The Gathering Gloom

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Scooby: Previously on Mystery Incorporated

"Mr. E wants,He wants You to Help Him,To work with Him," Marcie warned.

"Now,Before You Decline,Listen,He Said,He'll try to Make Things Up to You,He Said,He Knows,He has messed Up with You,But,He wants to Try,He,Even Said,That,He would Answer Some of Your Questions about,About Your Heritage,Secrets,That,Your Grandmother never told You," Hot Dog Water explained.

Louis Huffed with Anger.

He knew,Exactly,What He was going to Say.

"Marce,Look,As Much as I want Answers about my Family and Heritage,I,I,I'm not going to Work with Mr. E,He is the Wrong Person to be With,And,He tried to kill Me,He sent Armies of Bounty Hunters to try to kill Me and My Grand Mother,And,That is not Okay,He is One of the Main People,Not to Trust,In This Whole War with the Planispheric Disc and the Haunted Treasure,I already have Friends,And,I'm on Their Side," Louis eludicated,Calmly,But,Still Angry on the Inside.

"Hot Dog Water,I am telling You,As Your Friend,Get Out,While You still can,Before,It's too Late,Before Mr. E refuses to let You go,I Know,If Anyone can do the Right Thing,It's You,So,Please,Stay Away from Mr. E," Louis warned as He grasped her Shoulders and looked into her Eyes.

"I,I can't,I have to tell Mr E,I have to Stay with Him,Or,He'll kill Me,He wants You on his Side,No Matter What," Hot Dog Water responded.

"I'm Sorry,Hot Dog Water,But,I can't Join," Louis informed as He Rolled Away.

"It's Okay, I didn't want to do This,He ordered Me to,He Said, You were his Plan B,He called, You a Tool," Hot Dog Water mentioned as She sat on the Bench,Not Moving.

Louis stopped,Rolling Away,When He heard,That,He called Him a Tool.

"What?" Louis asked as He turned is Wheelchair around,In Curiosity.

He looked at Hot Dog Water.

"He mentioned,That,He knew the Parker Family,That,All of your Family had Their Time,When They were a Tool,And,Now,It is Time for Yours," Hot Dog Water explained.

Louis sat Speechless.

He could not Believe,What,He had just Heard.

His Family had All been Tools of Someone.

Things had just gotten Interesting for Louis

His Eyes Widened in Shock and Fear.

As Louis was Rolling Inside.

He saw Someone,On the Sidewalk,Across From Him.

It was Hot Dog Water.

He Smiled as He saw Her.

But,It,Quickly,Faded,When He saw What was in Her Hand.

She had a Billboard in Her Hand,And,It Said,"Please Join Him."

Louis's Smile Faded as He saw It.

He shook his Head,No.

She was,Still,Here to Convince Him to go with Mr. E.

Louis waved Goodbye to Her,And,Rolled Inside to join the Others.

"I have,I have This Friend,And,He thinks,He might be in Love,What should He do?" Scooby asked.

"Nova,Hang On," Scooby yelled,Making Sure,She heard Him.

She Yipped,with Fear.

She,Thought,She wasn't going to Make It.

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