21: Breakthrough

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Lu Jiuchen and Yan Yaoting stopped on the mountain road, the mountain road is narrow, it is immoral to keep blocking here like this.

Yan Yaoting patted his calf, "Go on."

Lu Jiuchen cheated, "I can't walk because my legs are numb."

"It's so numb, what should I do at night?"

"I'm in charge of enjoying it, and I don't need to do things like doing coolies."

"Then you won't be performing a split?"

Lu Jiuchen's face turned red and white in an instant.

Yan Yaoting was amused by his face-changing expression, and glanced back, the nearest tourist was only twenty or thirty meters away.

He asked Lu Jiuchen, "Is it really hard to walk?"

Lu Jiuchen said, "Yes."

He simply took a big step forward, making a gesture to hug someone, Lu Jiuchen hurriedly laughed and jumped forward, running seven or eight meters away in an instant.

The mountain road is very long, and it takes four or five hours just to go up the mountain.

Yan Yaoting was worried that Lu Jiuchen would not be able to take it anymore, and whenever he came across a platform for tourists to rest, he would suggest to take a nap, but Lu Jiuchen, who was running ahead, was like a puppy who was having fun, and didn't listen at all.

After passing another platform, Yan Yaoting simply ran a few steps to grab him and forcibly lifted him up.

At first Lu Jiuchen wanted to beat the man's back to show his resistance, but Yan Yaoting slapped him on the buttocks, and he immediately became honest, and was obediently put on the bench by the man.

There are vendors who specialize in selling fruits on the platform.

Lu Jiuchen didn't feel it when he was rushing forward just now, but now that he stopped now, smoke would come out of his throat, and he couldn't help but want to eat fruit when he saw it.

There are also tourists around to buy it, but not many people buy it because the price is very expensive.

Lu Jiuchen didn't care about money.

But before he could take any action, Yan Yaoting took out a small watermelon from his camouflage bag, cut it in half, put an iron spoon on it, and handed it to him.

The appearance of Lu Jiuchen and the others was too good, and they attracted the attention of many people when they appeared. Now they saw that they even brought watermelons, their eyes were full of envy.

A little boy complained unsatisfactorily to the tall man next to him: "I told you to carry fruit before going up the mountain, but it was too heavy. Look at how he carried it? Bai Chang is so tall."

A large bucket of dog food was accidentally spilled, and Lu Jiuchen was really happy, after all, he was the only one who ate dog food in the past.


"So you carried watermelon on your back all the way?"


"When did you buy it?"

"After you fell asleep last night."

"Where did you buy it?"

"The 24-hour supermarket below the hotel."

Lu Jiuchen put the watermelon on his lap, and bent over to pick up the camouflage bag. He didn't lift it with one hand, but he took two hands to pick it up.

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