3: Mate Selection

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Yan Yaoting's adjective was very ambiguous, and Lu Jiuchen felt itchy, "Are you here for a dinner party?"


"The food here is delicious, and your boss is very good at choosing. Where is your private room?"

"At the end of the corridor."

"That's far away from here, two extremes, how did you come here?"

The five senses of the giants are different from ordinary people. Even if it is a thousand meters away, Yan Yaoting can smell the smell of the target when there is no shelter and no headwind.

But he didn't explain.

Lu Jiuchen didn't get to the bottom of it, and glanced out the window, "Is the dinner party over? Do you want to go for a walk?"


Lu Jiuchen sent a message to Baimi, told him what happened just now, and then said that he met a friend and went out for a walk first.

Bai Mi made a phone call to make sure that Lu Jiuchen was fine, so he said that we were going to break up tonight, and hung up the phone aggressively, knowing without thinking that he must go to Ike to settle the score.

Lu Jiuchen put away his phone and walked out of the restaurant with Yan Yaoting.

The restaurant is a garden-style building, and there are many man-made landscapes for tourists to watch. The lanterns are on, and the pavilions, terraces, pavilions and rockery springs are beautifully outlined by the lanterns.

Lu Jiuchen acted as a tour guide, leading the man along the path slowly.

Although the contact time was short, Lu Jiuchen felt that this man didn't talk much. Of course, not talking much doesn't mean dull, he speaks straightforward and provocative, which suits his taste.

Lu Jiuchen actually wanted to directly ask the man about his marriage status.

However, the two had known each other for less than a day, so it seemed a bit strange to bring up the topic suddenly, so they first found someone who was usually not easy to touch the minefield.

"Where did you work before coming here?"

"Army." This is what is written in the personal resume of the virtual identity "Yan Yaoting".

Lu Jiuchen smiled, "I think people like you should come from the army."

"A person like me?"

"It's just that the aura is very strong. With your height and build, you shouldn't be a giant, right?"

The man looked down at him.

Lu Jiuchen himself denied it first, "I'm just kidding."

The giant family is a weapon for the country to maintain stability and peace. Their relevant information is a top secret that is related to national security and interests and cannot be publicized.

Three pieces of information have been released so far:

One, they are few in number, with an average height of two meters, strong physique and high energy.

Second, from birth to death, they will not leave the army or the city of giants unless they are performing tasks.

Third, they choose partners from the human race who serve in state agencies, so that men and women of the race can conceive and give birth to children, and the offspring they give birth must be giants.

From the bottom of his heart, Lu Jiuchen didn't think that the man in front of him was a giant, "I said that to show that you have a good physique and can compete with giants."

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