-𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎: 𝟷 𝟷

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Grid: who the fuck decided that?!

???: You know exactly who, don't act like an idiot!

Slade: Isn't it too early for you to do this?

Grid: I know our club papers are with the School President, what I don't understand is why you're bothering me when I clearly don't want part of your charade.

Slade: you know exactly why, your activities and ours cross paths. Whatever you're-

Minnie: Grid!

》she broke out of the crowd and grabbed his hand《

Grid: ???

Minnie: Don't do this, it's not worth it.

Slade: Listen to your little slut and stay in your lane. The President will decide whether your papers go through or not. But you're alone so I'm sure your flimsy papers will go throu‐

IG: alone?! Who said he's alone?

Blasters: A lone wolf that has a pack, a pack that appears at the utmost important of times.

Minnie: Your mother is a slut, ugly piece of shit! Without Demonix you're just an irrelevant dwarf nincompoop. Hanging lower than the sole of my shoe and stepped over like that 2cm shadow hanging below you-

Grid: calm down Minnie!

Minnie: me calm down? I'm here to calm you down.

???: Shut your bitch ass-

Slade: Ahem! Let's not take this go further than it should...

Happy: Huff...huff...what's going on here?!

Grid: Hmm...nothing, just a misunderstanding.

》he would simply say those words and turn back, along with the others they made their way to the hallway《


Happy: what happened back there?


Minnie: Grid?


IG: I'm guessing they are trying to get in our way aren't they.

Grid: Precisely.

Terry: The coach said he knows nothing of our club, meaning our club activities haven't been submitted yet.

Happy: The coach said we still had time though, why don't we just submit another form directly to the coach ourselves?

IG: the student council handles all the club paper work, we can't do anything ourselves and since our club is new even the club's president has no say in it.

Terry: what do we do now?


Happy: I don't know...

Minnie: Hmm...

Blaster: Nothing we can do about it,guess we just have to wait.

Grid: Wait huh...

Blaster: Better than what you were trying to do.

Grid: I was just going to get our papers that's all...It's not like Slade and his goons could've stopped me.

》he left them and went to their club《

—Bros Before Hoes Club—

Tohsaka: Ey Koki, you dating anyone right now?

Koki: Not really, dating sucks and it's complicated...I don't need any complications right now.

Extinct: Come on baby girl, love is food for the soul, we're all just pieces but together we can be a whole.

Tohsaka: Pfft!

Koki: Boy stop! Hehehe...

Extinct: Girl you stop, me below and you on top, and on this Anaconda you just hop hop hop!

Cuz: ohhhh! Bro got lines bro got rhymes, shawty's beauty doesn't decline, out of 10 she definitely a nine.

Tohsaka: Nigguhs thinking that rapping will make her like them.

Koki: well at least they trying with something unique.

Tohsaka: Pfft whatever.

》The door would open and a number of people came through《

Happy: Hey everyone!

Loner: Ey Bro.

Nicholas: Sup Pres...

Koki: Morning Grid!

Grid: Aye sup...

Loner: Bro said " Sup " to a chick.

Grid: IG you got the blueprints?

IG: Blaster has em...

Blaster: Hope you don't mind but I added a projector to the list we made yesterday.

Happy: Sure we don't mind, so what are the blueprints for?

Blaster: Room decoration and an idea for the location of all the couches and tables that are to be placed here.

》He pulled out his laptop and showed the club President. Everything seem to be on point. The rest of the day went on and they spent it at the club《

Minnie: soooo boring!!!

Koki: and hooooot!!!

Minnie: Grid Baby do something!

IG: not like he can switch the sun off!

Minnie: He better do it or I'll melt!


Grid: Hmm...

》he merely kept quiet as he sat by an open window《

Minnie: Babyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

Grid: [sighs] come here...

Minnie: Hehe...


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