-𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎: 𝟽

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/The members of the Broes Before Hoes Club spent the rest of the day cleaning and the next day everything was almost done./

Terry: what?!

Nicholas: looks like our club President is an imbecile!

—Bros Before Hoes Club—

Happy: You think we need like a big table at the center with chairs around it?

Terry: that would be neat wouldn't it.

Nicholas: Thought this was a club...not an old age home board meeting. I prefer couches overchairs...this should be a utopia of relaxation.

Loner: yep, snacks and fridges and games...like truth or dare or spin the bottle.

Happy: Yes! Exactly!

Terry: Don't forget the club activities.

Grid: I've taken care of that.

Happy: you did?

Grid: yes...did all the paperwork yesterday.

Terry: so what are our activities?

Grid: Poetry, Rap, Dissing, Basketball, Volleyball and Boxing.

Terry: Soccer? What about soccer?

Grid: Go to the football club if you want to play soccer.

Nicholas: Poetry? Who tf does poetry? Rap I understand cause of rap battles but poetry? Nah bruh...

Grid: you understand Rap? Can you Rap?

Nicholas: does it matter?

Grid: if it didn't you wouldn't have supported it. Now sit down and let me continue.

Nicholas: sit down where? On the floor? We got no furniture stupid!

Loner: hehehe!

Koki: Calm down Nicholas!

Nicholas: Nah nigguh thinks he's in charge or something, telling us what to do and what not...like bro Happy is the club President not you! So why don't you sit your stupid ass down!


Tohsaka: let him be...he's been devoided of communication for 2 years straight. Being a lone wolf ain't a joke! He's using all the chances he gets to boss everyone around.


Happy: Okay calm down everyone...no need to get all worked up.

Grid: [sighs]

》He remained quiet and walked out of the room《

Loner: Hehe pussy!

Terry: y'all mean and rude. He was trying to help us! What's gonna happen if he leaves the club?

Nicholas: we don't need him, The club president is Happy not him!

Loner: He can go suck a dick for all we care.


Grid: Hmm...

[Mind: Looks like we got fighters in our little congregation...this couldn't be any better. The more rebellious they are the more vicious they'll be...deadly can be a blade that is yet to be sharpened]

》he stood by the lockers and drowned in his thoughts《

Koki: you okay?

Grid: Hmm?

Koki: things took a turn for the worst back there didn't they.

Grid: nah...that went really well.

Koki: it did?

Grid: yes...I need everyone in this club to be themselves in order to gain a unique trait among the hundreds.

Koki: Hmm...I don't get you, that guy from the library said you're planning something that has to do with BlackHell and Demonix clubs.

Grid: Slade just wanted me to be in their club so I won't go against them that's all.

Koki: Hmm I knew it...

Grid: you should go back to the club, I have some things to take care off.

Koki: I can help...

Grid: you? Help? You didn't even help clean the club yesterday.

Koki: couldn't afford to get my nails all messed up, just had them done.

Grid: Hmm...women!

》walks away《

Koki: hey wait!

》she would follow him. After taking a few turns Grid stopped in front of the computer lab《

Grid: why are you still following me?

Koki: why shouldn't I?

Grid: Hmm...fine then, do whatever you want.


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