-𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎: 𝟸

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/The 2 new friends spent the rest of the day trying to find a 3rd member but remained unsuccessful. The next day came about and early in the morning they began their hunt once again/


Happy: so not only do we need to get a 3rd member but we need to decide on our club activities?

Terry: yep...let's heard to the post board and I'll show you something.

》They got to the board and pulled out a few flyers that were club invites《

Terry: look here...these are the clubs that are currently active. There's about 6 of them. The most popular one is the Demonix club, that's the club where all the Student Council members are in. And Guess what's their club activities?

Happy: what?

Terry: Sports and Dissing.

Happy: I understand sports but Dissing? How is that a club activity?

Terry: who knows...that's the diversity of this Academy I guess.

Happy: I see...so let's find a 3rd member first and then decide on the activities.

Terry: alright then...

Happy: Hey what year are you?

Terry: I'm a 2nd year student.

Happy: Not a transfer student huh...

Terry: Definitely not...

Happy: then how come you don't have a club or...friends?

Terry: Trust is the issue...there's no one I trust enough to be close with and clubs weren't that much of a big deal till recently. Recognition came with strict demands.

Happy: I see...

Terry: Hey! I got an idea! Why don't we make flyers?

Happy: of course why didn't I think of that! I'll draw and you can print! Them!

Terry: Agreed!

—Student Council Board room—

???: Still no new clubs?

Slade: yes.

???: Good! And how many new members does Demonix have?

Slade: about 15...

???: I see, slowly but surely...we are near complete domination of this Academy. Any unique and interesting characters?

Slade: Hmm I think it's too early to tell.

???: I see...well we'll know soon.

—Computer Laboratory —

???: Hmm...looks good.

》he activated the printer and waited for a few seconds to get his papers 《

Terry: Looks like someone is using the printer.

》He entered the Computer Lab with Happy and they made their way to the printer《

???: Hmm?

Terry: ...

Happy: Uhh...hy once again?

[Mind: Why is he here? He doesn't look like a nerd at all...Maybe one of those dark and mysterious kinda dudes. He looks intimidating asf eitherways]

???: Sup?

Happy: nothing much, we're just here to print some flyers for our club.

???: ohh right...you done registering it?

Happy: Not really, we're short on members and we're just beginning our advertisement.

???: Hmm very sad...anyways I'm done here.

》He grabbed his papers and left them《

Terry: you friends with him?

Happy: nope I just asked for help from him, you know him?

》Starts printing《

Terry: I've seen him a few times. He's a lone wolf, despite his broad and tall body build...he's actually not that good at sports...well sports involving feet anyways.

》He found the paper used by the guy from earlier to print and pulled it out《

Happy: either ways he's intimidating as hell.

Terry: hey check this out...this looks sick!

Happy: damn is that his?

Terry: yeah...think he forgot it. So he's an artist huh...this is one badass drawing man.

Happy: look here he signed it!

[Mind: He didn't tell me his name last time but it looks like I don't need to ask...his name is...]


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