Prologue Pt. 2: Blood Nova

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Prologue Pt. 2: Blood Nova

Once my head hit the pillow, sleep was almost instantaneous. I couldn't tell you how long I was awake for before passing out, but seeing as it was rare, it resonated with me. I was often hyped, even ecstatic, after a kill or 2 during the night, so thinking about those often led to memories of Willow's lifeless body. This time no success on the victim count when it would have been easiest, and; all this new info had left me too tired and frustrated. When I passed out, it felt as though I woke up somewhere else, living a story through someone else's eye, and I just couldn't change it. That said, if I could change this story I would...

A young girl woke up late at night, she knew if her dad were to see, or hear her now, that she would get another slap to the face. She didn't understand why papa hit her all the time, but she could only guess he wanted what was best for her. That was why mama had to die, according to him. Tonight felt different, like something new and exciting was about to begin. So despite not wanting to get another beating, she quietly stalked downstairs, being careful to make as little noise as possible. As she stalked over to the back door of her house through the kitchen she saw a star fly by. The girl quickly crossed her fingers, and tightly closed her eyes,"Please star, keep papa asleep, and bring me a friend. I've never been allowed to have one."

As she finished those words, she stood on her tiptoes to reach the doorknob and opened the door. She immediately began to shake as it was cool outside, and she hadn't grabbed her jacket to avoid making too much noise. The girl's teeth began to chatter as the wind whistled through the trees, and; the girl took her first steps off of the porch. The woods scared her, every branch looked like an arm reaching out to grab her, and there was no guarantee that her papa wasn't hidden within the trees, or in the shadows. As her breath began to sound more shaky, she took a step in front of her causing a branch to snap. The girl immediately jumped looking in every direction, before she heard a kind voice behind her,"Are you ok?"

The girl jumped once more, and paused when she saw a young glowing woman behind her. "Uu-I- umm," the girl couldn't find the words to say, she just stood there continuing to shake.

"You look like you're freezing kiddo," the woman said, now kneeling down to her level.

The girl took the opportunity to study the lady's soft blue eyes, and gentle looking features, "An angel?"

When the words left her mouth she jumped feeling a rush of heat fill her face. The young woman giggled a little, making the girl feel more at ease. "Well I wouldn't call myself an angel, they would have been more discreet," the woman said, seeming to try to make this make sense,"I'm called an Aster, and I was asked to look after someone."

The girl giggled, already feeling like she could trust the woman in front of her. "Hello Ms. Aster!" She cheered, bouncing on her heels,"I'm named Willow!"

The young woman chuckled looking like she just enjoyed watching the girl bounce around her. "Nice to meet you too Willow," the woman said sweetly, brushing back a lock of blonde hair,"My name's actually Celeste. I was sent to look after you, and help you where I can."

Willow's eyes widened and began to sparkle, "Really?!" She asked excitedly.

Celeste nodded,"You're really important Willow, but there is one rule. You aren't to tell anyone about me, people might try to hurt you because of it. Especially if the wrong person found out."

Willow seemed to nod, what was keeping this woman from her papa, he had secrets he wouldn't tell her when he had friends over. "You've got it Ms. Celeste, I have a question though," she asked, causing Celeste to cock her head inquisitively.

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