37 | Golden Haze

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Chapter Thirty-seven | Golden Haze♫ Golden Haze  by Wild Nothing

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Chapter Thirty-seven | Golden Haze
Golden Haze  by Wild Nothing

I kind of hate to admit it, but Hyde was right. Being at home turned out to be good for me.

The holidays pass me by like a motion blur. We spend it at home with a few extended family members, just like New Years. Flynn asks me if I'm upset about missing the ball drop, but I have a few more years at NYU to get to see it happen. For now, I'm just grateful to be back in the bedroom I grew up in, closer to Logan than ever— that time at his house was the first time we had a conversation even remotely emotional.

And so, the next semester comes knocking all too soon. I return to New York with Elle, Flynn and Logan, back to my dorm.

Weinstein Hall has had a few periods of excitement, I've found. The start of the year, the end of a semester, the approach of the holidays, and now the start of a new year. As Flynn walks me to my door, we pass only open ones in my hall. Everybody seems to be rejuvinated.

"Is it always this... jolly in your dormitory?" He asks me over the music.

We reach 242 just as I shake my head. "I've learned that this place has its highlights. New year, new sense of optimism, probably."

Flynn pulls a face. He's never been an avid partier, and he definitely cannot stand it when people have too much energy around him. It makes him uneasy. "I'm so glad my dorm life is over."

"Are you moving in with Elle?"

"Yeah. Didn't I tell you?"

"Flynn, you tell me absolutely nothing about you or your life. But anyone could guess you'd move in with your girlfriend. You're practically living there, already."

He cracks a smile that has something shy about it. "Yeah, well..." he mutters.

I unlock the door and push it open. It smells a bit dusty since both Olivia and I have been gone for three weeks. I instantly open a window to let the fresh air in, while Flynn drops my bag by my bed.

"Will you be okay?" My brother asks me casually, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He doesn't quite look at me.

I nod. "Yes. And if not, I'll pester Logan, not you, so don't worry about that."

He releases a breath. "Good. You know it makes me uncomfortable when people are upset. I can do nothing to help you except refer you to someone else."

"But you know you have a gift, right?" I ask him. "You don't actively try to comfort people, but it's still comforting to be around you when I'm sad."

Flynn shifts his feet around. "That's because I'm your older brother."

"I know. You're my older brother, and it's comforting to be around you when I'm sad."

Sincerely, Nova ✓Where stories live. Discover now