30 | Carry You

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Chapter Thirty | Carry You♫ Carry You by Novo Amor

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Chapter Thirty | Carry You
Carry You by Novo Amor

Dad's answer to my question still bothers as me as we sit opposite of each other on the subway. He hasn't uttered a single word since I locked myself in the bathroom and spent fifteen minutes washing my hands. When I was young, I always imagined he simply wasn't allowed to say more at some point and that's why he barely ever talked. Maybe he exceeded the quota, and he used up all his words for the day.

It's easy, avoiding his eye as he's checking the weather forecast on his phone. Mom's staring at some ad, Sofia's taking pictures of Flynn as he holds his hand over her camera.

All of them look surprised when I stand up out of nowhere, gripping the bars for stability as I approach the doors. "This is our stop."

"Oh, sweetie, don't touch that, it's dirty. Hold onto me, instead." Mom pulls a face and stands on two steady legs. She takes me by the elbow and folds my arm in hers, patting my hand. Behind her, Flynn, Sofia and Dad stand, too. They don't hold onto each other or the dirty bars.

We spent the day out in the city, letting Flynn guide us and then briskly stopping by my dormitory. As we make our way back to the Carlyle, I'm almost surprised at my urge to turn and run, despite my painful feet.

"Are you staying here tonight?" Mom asks, directing the question to Flynn and me.

He nods excitedly as I shake my head, earning surprised looks from all of them.

"You don't want to stay in an executive's suite?" Sofia asks me with wide eyes.

Flynn nudges her. "It's her friend's Dad's hotel. She can probably get perks like this whenever she wants."

"It's not like that. I just want to sleep in my own bed." And spending an entire day with you didn't feel as liberating and safe as I thought it would.

"Gosh," says Mom, gripping Dad's arm tightly as if I just said something wildly shocking. "Remember when she used to say that about her bed in Addenfield?"

I ignore the remark to make a promise. "I'll be here for dinner."

We reach the doors to the suite and Dad lets us into the space, which is drenched in the sparkling gold of sun-down. Through the crystals of the chandelier, a million tiny rainbows dance across the walls, floors and furniture, even crossing my hands for a moment.

"That reminds me... Sofia, Nova, come with me for a second." Mom disappears into the hall like a ghost. Sofia and I exchange confused glances before we follow her to the master bedroom, where we find her rummaging through her luggage. Finally, she pulls out two garment bags, takes a peek in one of them and then hands us one each.

"Dresses?" Sofia guesses.

Mom nods. "I love you, but I don't trust you. As your father and I were packing I was thinking, if I leave the girls' Thanksgiving outfits up to them, they'll both show up in jeans and a blazer."

Sincerely, Nova ✓Where stories live. Discover now