"About a completely automated house still running with the skeletons of a nuclear bombed family." Grey says smiling.

"I remember when that was written. Man that was before I even became immortal." Paradox said smiling.

Lesser Azmuth squinted at the two talking about a book made in earths Time-Unit of year 1950.

"So Grey since you are going to be learning under both of us I should warn you you will need a few things before we really start." Azmuth Prime said.

"Yes G-Script." Lesser Azmuth said "The foundation of Galvan's coding software."

"And G-Alpha Coding. You will need to know the backbone of all the Matrix systems." Azmuth Prime said.

"Oh I already learned to read it so were ahead of schedule." Grey said.

"Really? When did you do that?" Azmuth Prime asked

"Ben learned to read it in a week when he was stuck as XLR8." Grey said "I still want to learn but at least I can actually read it."

"Ben learned to read it?" Azmuth Prime asked.

"Yeah." Grey said "He had the big brain move to start learning it so he can run a Defrag without Smoothbraining it."

Lesser Azmuth had gone white and Azmuth Prime had started thinking what this meant.

"You did gave him the Master Access code." Lesser Azmuth said.

"No. I didn't." Azmuth said.

"Ben may not be as gigabrain as you but he knows losing an absolute Stacy." Grey said grinning.

Both Azmuth's groaned realizing exactly how much Ben could read both of them enough to step past so many securities.

"Humans are social creatures." Paradox said "We have 1 child at a time and it takes a whole village to raise them right. The Galvans lay 10-40 and that's under years of coordinated systems to maximize their lives."

Lesser Azmuth squinted and said "I've interacted with humans before but their lumbering size and subpar coordination and low intelligence never put any question of my safety... until yesterday. "

"And I watched you nearly piss yourself when Ben had met you with the same cold, calculated, emotionless we give our underlings." Azmuth Prime said "That was the man Max Tennyson once was and forge on further then him."

"That was a Plumber." Grey said "Nothing more nothing less."

"When I read everything I could have said written in the galvan language in black and white..." Lesser Azmuth actually shuttered.

"He had actually asked Albedo to check his Grammer on that too!" Grey laughed.


Grey was brought to a large room. "Your quarters and lab for work." Lesser Azmuth said.

"Sweet." Grey said looking around "Ok what's the protocol for ordering materials?"

"The one in-charge of materials I will introduce you." Azmuth said "They will be given a limit on what your aloud to order for personal projects."

Grey looked around and started marking the room.

"What exactly are you doing?" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"Division of Space." Grey said "I guess I can turn that closet into a bedroom."

"And why exactly do you need that?" Azmuth Prime asked.

"Plumber code for handling Isolation. Divide area into 4ths and designate each." Grey said "I'm gonna need a sheet of polyurethane foam about 12 inches long."

Helping Gwen 10Where stories live. Discover now