19-No Matter What.

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One evening, Kisa came to visit. And on that visit she brought with her a movie to watch. So in the living room, Yuki, Amira, Tohru, and Kisa were watching it.

"I guess even bad guys have their own struggles to overcome." Tohru said. "But his wife has reasons for acting the way she does too. That's a complicated issue."

"There are issues present here. But I don't think complexity is one of them."Amira thought. She wasn't in particular enjoying this movie, but she didnt want to hurt Kisa's feelings, so she didn't say anything.

Suddenly, the door to Shigure's room opened, and there he was, yawning.

"Good morning." He said, covering his mouth.

"Good morning to you too!" Tohru smiled.

"But its 8:00 at night." Amira sweat dropped.

"Its evening now." Yuki said. "Why can't you sleep like a normal person?"

"Why that's precisely why I became a writer. So I wouldn't have to."

As Shigure spotted Kisa, he walked over to her. "Who's this? She looks an awful lot like Kisa. How would you like some yummy candy Sa-Chan?" He said, putting his hand on her head.

"Are you still asleep, or is that one of your creepy attempts at being funny?" Yuki asked.

"You wound me." Shigure said, a few tears slipping from his eyes. He hugged Kisa. "What did I do to deserve such coldness from my dear cousin?"

"Let the poor thing go. You'll *contaminate* her." Yuki said, not sparing him a glance.

As Shigure sat down, he sat beside Tohru. "Well anyway, tell me the latest. How's school?." Shigure asked.

"Good." Kisa said, smiling at him. "I've been trying very hard. It's easier now. Trying I mean. Because my mom's there for me, and all of you are too. I'm not alone so..."

As Kisa looked down and blushed, a few seconds passed before Tohru pulled her into a hug.

"I love you so much!" She squealed. And Amira smiled slightly.

"Its an explosion of cute." Shigure said.

The next day, Amira was walking Tohru to her job.

"Thanks for walking me to work again." Tohru smiled as she turned to look at her.

"No problem." Amira smiled back. "It's nice to get out of the house every once and awhile."

Suddenly, a boot fell a few feet in front of them.

"A shoe?" Amira thought.

As they walked over, she knelt in front of it.

"Where did that come from?" Amira said.


As they looked up, there was a child sitting on the electric box.


"Pick that up." He said.

They just stared up at him.

"What is he doing here?" Amira thought.

"Well?" He spoke again. "Pick it up."

"Oh right!" Tohru said, handing him his shoe with a smile. "Here you go."

Hiro smiled at her and laughed. "I can't believe you picked it up."

"Huh?" Amira thought.

"Do you have no sense of identity or agency?" He asked. "Would you dance if I told you to dance? Or fall to the ground if I told you to?"

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