5-Lets Go Home.

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The morning had started out...weird. But the day had gotten better. School was normal as usual, so Amira's thoughts were focused elsewhere.

However, when she got home, her thoughts ended up being focused on Tohru's behavior. As they were walking home, Amira couldn't help but notice how quiet Tohru had been. When they met up, she smiled her usual cheery smile. But there was something behind it. Amira could tell something was on her mind. But whatever it was, it was bothering her.

After they got home, Amira sat down at the table, and immediately got started on her homework. But then suddenly, Tohru piped up.

"Hey guys.."

At that point, everyone else was sitting at the table, watching the news. They all looked up at her.

"My grandpa called. The renovations are being finished up."

Amira froze.

"Huh..they're working surprisingly fast." Shigure said.

"The exterior walls aren't done, but the house is mostly done, so it's ready to live in...so...grandpa said I could come back." Tohru smiled.

The whole room fell silent. Not a single word was spoken until Tohru piped up again.

"Um...I should probably get started on cooking before it's too late." She said, getting up.

"We can scrounge something up." Shigure spoke. "Or better yet, we can eat out."

"It's ok!" Tohru smiled. "I already have the ingredients I need!"

She quickly jumped up from where she was sitting, and dashed to the kitchen. As Amira watched her, Tohru sent them a smile before closing the door.

As the door closed, Amira turned back and caught Yuki glancing her way. He sent her a small smile.

"Don't worry, we'll see her at school."

Amira looked down, before she nodded.


That night, she didn't end up getting much homework done.
_ ____

The next day, Amira felt bothered. But what bothered her even more was that she could t tell why. Whatever feeling she was having, it wouldn't go away. Throughout the entire day, Amira tried to ignore it and carry on how she usually did. She didn't want Tohru to think that it was because she was leaving. After all, Tohru was happy.


That evening, Amira walked in to see Tohru going through a checklist with Shigure.

"There's leftover salted fish in the fridge. It'll go bad before too long." She spoke. "Oh, and you'll probably want to get more soy sauce too...and the garbage day recently changed, so you should keep that in mind too. And oh..."

Tohru said as she reached into her pocket. From it was a piece of paper.

"Here's my grandfather's address, I'll leave it with you just in case."

"You'll be happy to be home again, won't you?" Shigure smiled.

Amira looked at Tohru to see her reaction to this. Her expression changed to her usual smile.

"Oh yes!" She said. "I'll settle back in just fine."

Amira nodded and looked off to the side. As long as Tohru was ok, then there was any reason to be worried. At least, she kept saying that to herself. But even so, it didn't make the feeling go away. Not only that, but no one else in the house seemed to be particularly bothered by the idea of Tohru leaving. They all remained silent.

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