13-He's Still Here...

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"What will we be able to harvest from the garden in may?" Tohru asked.

"Hmm.." Yuki said. "Carrots, Turnips, Chives..."

Amira and Tohru laughed.

"Strawberries too."

Amira was there with Yuki and Tohru at the secret base. She now understood why Yuki made this garden. It was so relaxing and nice. It helped her forget her other worries, and just focus on something else for a change.

"Ooh yay!" Tohru said. "I'm really looking forward to it!"

Yuki smiled. "Me too."

Then suddenly, Tohru sneezed.

"Are you alright?" Amira asked, turning to her.

"Yeah." Tohru said. "I'm just a bit chilly. It's colder than usual for April."

"You should head back inside and warm up." Yuki said. "You can too if you want Amira, I'm almost finished up here anyway."

"You sure?" Tohru asked.

Suddenly, Yuki's stomach started growling.

"I'm a little hungry too.." he said.

Amira smiled and got up too. "Well in that case, I'll head in too. I can help you make something." She said, turning to Tohru.

"Ok then." Tohru smiled. "We'll let you wrap things up here."

"Great, thank you." Yuki smiled.

Amira watched as Tohru stopped to look at Yuki before proceeding to walk.

"It's been a few days since the incident with Akito.." Amira thought. "But Yuki seems to be doing just fine. Like nothing happened. To be fair though, I feel the same way.." She thought as she turned to look at Tohru. "Granted, all my fear hasn't been erased, but somehow, I strangely feel calm and comforted..."

"Hm, a pile of clothes?" Tohru said.

Amira immediately snapped out of her thoughts to look down at the clothes that Tohru was looking at. She watched as she kneeled down in front of them.

"Oh...it looks like..." Amira started to speak. But then suddenly, Tohru gasped and started screaming.

"Tohru?!" Amira said. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Something's in my clothes!" She said.

Not before long, Yuki came running over.

"Oh no, Miss Honda!" He said. "I heard you scream, what's wrong?"

"There's something under my clothes!" Tohru said.

Then suddenly, a snake crawled out of the collar of Tohru's shirt.


So Amira's suspicions were right. The clothes that she had seen did look strangely familiar. But before she could say or do anything, Yuki grabbed the snake by the neck and stomped to the house.

"Yuki wait!" Amira said as she helped Tohru up.

"This definitely isn't going to end well..."


As Amira and Tohru got back to the house, it already appeared they were too late. With a dark aura around him, Yuki was holding the snake and holding it in Shigure's face.

"I said skin this filthy thing and cook it!"

"Um Yuki!" Tohru said.

Amira sweatdropped.

The Angel's Wish (Fruits Basket)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα