42- I Don't Know.

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As Kiyomi made her way through the estate, two of the maids spotted her across the hallway. Noticing her troubled expression, they rushed up to her.

"Miss Kiyomi, you seemed troubled. Did something happen?"

Kiyomi sighed and touched her forehead.

"It's Amira. I worry for that child. She's spent too long outside of the estate. I fear she may have already been influenced by the outside world."

She frowned with a bitter look on her face.

"It's already bad enough that she's living with the very one who betrayed Akito, and living with an outsider. But...for her to be living under the same roof of that vile cat...and interacting with it. It should never have been allowed."

"I heard they're even close. Someone saw them walking together. What if they were to become ever closer and..."

Kiyomi shook her head.

"Surely that won't happen. She was raised better than that. But if we're not careful, she may never return to the way she was before. She may stray for her path and lose her way entirely. I don't understand Akito's decision to allow Amira to live in that house. None of this would of happened had she still been here. If she strays farther from her path..."

Kiyomi sighed.

"...I don't even want to fathom such an outcome."

The maids were silent for a moment, but than one spoke up.

"We must have faith in the zodiac, miss. Miss Amira is the angel. And an Angel always finds it's way back to its god's side. She can't escape it. It's fated. Just like all the snow fox's before her."

Kiyomi looked up.

"I suppose. But it's best if we stay vigilant for now. Amira will be graduating in less than a year now. And after that, she, the rat, and the dog will be back in the estate, and that cat will be locked up, and the outsider will go back to their normal life. Everything will go back to the way it was before, and we make sure at all costs...that vulgar woman doesn't win."

Suddenly, they heard shouting from down the hall.

"Dont go! Don't go!"

As Kiyomi and the maids rushed over to Akito's room, he was trying to leave, but Kureno was holding him back.

"Akito, you can't go! Stop!"

"No! No!"

Akito was struggling in his grip, but Kureno wouldn't budge.

"What's the matter Akito?" Kiyomi asked.

Glaring fiercely, Akito slammed the door in their faces, leaving the maids and Kiyomi confused.

"What on earth could of happened to make Akito so upset?"


"Is Amira up yet?"

Everyone was sitting at the table eating breakfast. It was the usual morning routine. Even Yuki had gotten up earlier than her. And that was cause for concern.

"Maybe she's sleeping in. It was a busy week after all." Yuki said.

Despite saying that, Yuki knew that was untrue. And so did Kyo and Tohru. Amira never slept in. It wasn't like her at all. But soon, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. And there was Amira, fully dressed in her uniform.

"Amira...good morning." Tohru smiled, standing up. "Would you like some breakfast?"

Amira smiled back.

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