12-I Hope One Day...

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That morning, it was the start of a new term. So that meant that the first years were now second years, and this included Amira and the rest of her class. That morning, Amira was on the ceremony planning committee along with Yuki. But she found a little time to go with Tohru to find Kyo and Uotani, who had skipped out on the opening ceremony.

"The first years were super adorable!" Tohru said. "You two really missed out by not coming to wish them well."

"Sounds horrible." Uotani said.

"Hard pass." Kyo said, not looking up from his book.

"I'm already suffering through this hay fever." Uotani said. "Put me in a loud, cramped room and I'll be in hell.

"Stop complaining and take some meds." Kyo said.

"They don't work on me." Uotani responded. "Maybe all those drugs in my rebellious youth were a mistake."

This time, Kyo did look up from his book.

"What drugs are you talking about?" He said.

"I'm surprised the prince isn't with you." Uotani said, ignoring Kyo's question.

"Everyone on the ceremony planning committee is really busy." Tohru said. "I'm actually surprised you were able to join me here Amira." She said, turning to look at her.

"I have a little time." Amira said. "But I should probably head back soon."

"Sounds like a rough life." Uotani says. "You and the prince probably were getting mauled by lovestruck first years already."

"Yuki probably is right now." Amira sweat-dropped.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you two became president and vice president." Uotani said. "The current ones have their own issues."

"That idea might not be the best for me, and I don't think it's something Yuki would want to do." Amira responded. "But, you never know."

As Amira looked at Tohru, she saw she was staring at the window. But before she could ask her what she was looking at, Uotani sneezed.

Tohru immediately pulled a tissue from her skirt. "Here, take this." She smiled.

"Ugh, thanks." Uotani said as she took the tissue from Tohru's hands.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Tohru." Hana said. "I picked up some waves from the adult area that might be Shigure's.

"Ugh.." Amira sweat dropped.

"I adore Haru and Momiji! Their like my younger brothers. Clearly I have to be there. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I missed their glorious school debut!"

Tohru had smiled. But Yuki, Kyo, and Amira gave Shigure doubtful looks, as if they knew that wasn't really why he was going.

"Why the suspicious looks?" Shigure asked. "I'm appalled. Surely you don't think I'm going simply to ogle high school girls in their natural habitat? Besides, I'm a writer. It's my job to observe the beauty the world offers."

"Of course." Amira sighed.


"Hold on a sec." Uotani said. "Your telling me two more Sohmas go here now?"

"That's right." Tohru said. "Two boys. You met one of them at the culture festival."

"Kyon, bring the newbies here." Uotani said.

"Yes, go." Hana said. "Let's see them."

"Why do I have to?" Kyo said. "Just send them, I bet their already planning to say hi I bet!"

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