20: Sea Bound

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I... am... I'm so sorry about that hideous wait! It's Mid-Terms week, and I've been buried underneath work as all my professors cram before spring break. I've got tests all week and I'm super busy, but I was able to work on this little by little between everything going on, on top of a hectic living situation I'm not prepared to talk about lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Also...



We had passed a few towns on our way, and the closer we got, the more the air smelled of salt and sand.

The towns we passed through were full of fish traders and common folk. They had many stores, and travelers were coming in and out to buy, sell, and do whatever else they needed to. We were stared at but not a lot, as shinobi often stop at these smaller villages. Naruto had taken an interest in a few small shops and even bought himself some candy, something I couldn't help but enjoy watching after waking to him squirming restlessly.

He didn't sleep well. He had bags under his eyes, but he didn't let it affect him much since he didn't remember the dream he had or what it had been about. I didn't enjoy knowing he had another bad dream. Even my attempts to comfort him didn't work to ease his mind, and I had to endure his eventual whimpering all up to the point he woke gasping, sweaty.

My rest was dreamless, and the lack of sleep left me feeling hungrier, but I paid it no mind in favor of enjoying his energy in those tender moments of joy. He was just a kid at heart, wanting to enjoy his surroundings without the issue of what was bogging him down. I was smiling the whole time he was smiling, his joy bringing me joy in return.

A beam of hope in this dark, unforgiving world of ours.

We were currently walking side by side, heading towards a break in the woods. The trees became far spread, up til the wooded area broke into beautiful cliffs, rising high and ocean behind them. Spraying waves of saltwater into the air creates a lovely breeze that costs over us. I wish I was able to enjoy it fully, but I was just grateful to be here with them during the daytime. The sun shone high above us, mid-day.

"Wow, it's nice!" Naruto grinned widely.

Sasuke shrugged beside me, looking around in silent agreement, while outwardly trying to remain calm. I could tell he was enjoying the breeze, too. He was smiling when no one was looking, I could glance at him through the tinted holes where my eyes saw out.

We were following a semi-busy road, winding around trees, small homes, businesses, and cliffs. It was a sea rock called limestone, if I remember correctly. Naruto would often stare at the ground, and Guy would as well, both admiring the different landscape with wonder in their eyes. It brought a smile to my face to see him so happy.

"We are going to a nearby shipping village. It's got the largest dock in the area where we often get imported goods from." Yamato explained as we traveled. "There we will find our assigned ship provided to us by the Rikage and board it. From there we will be spending a few days at sea."

Guy grimaced at the topic, apparently being seasick and never telling us until about an hour ago. Yamato patted his back, giving him a small amount of pity before continuing forward.

"I don't think I've been on a ship before." Naruto grinned in excitement. "This should be fun."

"It gets boring." I piped up. "Just a rocking boat on the water."

"Well, duh, but still! I want to see fish swim by and other marine animals. I can't wait for it! The vast ocean..." Naruto smirked widely. "Ninjas get to see everything in this world, every spec of land and all. It's so awesome!" He giddily laughed.

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