Chapter 7: The Snake King

Start from the beginning

"Don't bring me into this. I babysat yesterday" Jay says annoyed

"We have not seen him" Zane simplifies

"Sensei" Aria turned to Wu looking worried

Wu sighed "We must find the boy"


They arrive near the arcade.

"Lloyd? Lloyd?" Kai calls out then turned to the others "He was right here. Someone must have seen him"

Zane looks up "Their's a security camera"

They went to watch the footage.

"Wait, wait, there's the pipsqueak. Play that back" Jay says and they see him buying the disguise and walking away "What is he up to?" They go back to where Lloyd was.

They found footprints and followed them Zane stopped at the end "I sense these are Lloyd's footprints, but they come to an end here. Why?"

"Something tells me we're going for a ride. Come on" Kai says

Aria joined Kai and they ride to a giant City in the dessert.

"What is that place?" Cole questions

"the lost City of Ouroboros" Aria replies "I've been reading a lot on snakes"

They come upon the gates of The Lost City of Ouroboros and after reverting their weapons they slip past the guards. They come upon the border of the colosseum.

"It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes" Zane points out

"I know we ruined their last get-together, but that's no reason to not get an invitation. My feelings are hurt" Cole jokes

They looked in and Kai points "There's Lloyd" Lloyd is trapped in a cage.

"Whoa. And look at who they worship" Jay says looking at the giant snake statue.

"The Great Devourer, the scariest snake to ever live, the one who caused Garmadon to turn evil" Aria explains

"Someone's spent more time reading then training" Jay comments

"what can I say" Aria shrugs "I'm a book worm"

Kai shakes his head "Alright let's go get him"

They rush in to save him, they trigger a trap and are locked inside a cage as well, dropping their Golden Weapons.

Lloyd gasps "The Ninja!"

"Looks like we've caught the main event" Pythor laughs and the Ninja are brought into the arena.

Aria glared at the ninja "Maybe next time hold onto your weapons!"

"Sorry" The ninja apologize shrinking back from her

"Aria's scarier then anything they'll throw at us" Cole whispers and the ninja nod in agreement

The Ninja are led to the center of the colosseum

"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one. I give you Ninja versus Samurai!" Pythor announces

The Samurai is brought out in chains.

"What? We have to fight the Samurai? But we don't even have our Golden Weapons and he has that hulking thing of armor. It's not fair" Jay complains

"I want to see once and for all who is the greatest hero. Is it Samurai, or Ninja? Only the victor will be allowed to leave" Pythor announces

"Stay together" Kai commands

The duel begins and the Samurai throws projectile weapons at them, but they dodge most of them.

"Haha, missed me!" Jay then gets hit

"You idiot" Aria facepalms

The Samurai throws more and the ninja dodge. One headed towards Aria and Kai quickly tackles her down to the ground.

"You've really got to train more instead of reading" Kai says

"I know" Aria whines

The male ninja then use the tornado of creation to make a slingshot and fire only for the Samurai to block it. Pythor activates spikes and then tilts the arena. Kai quickly held Aria by the waist while he held onto the platform with one hand.

"Can this get any worse?" Cole questions

"We must continue to make it appear that we are fighting for real" Samurai X says

"Huh, we're not fighting for real?" Jay asks confused

"that would've been more convincing if I didn't almost get hit" Aria mumbles

"Keep up the charade and hold on to my exo-suit" Samurai X instructed and they try to fly away.

"There's too much weight!" Kai says before Samurai X jumps out and the mech blasts off.

"I can't believe he just saved us" Cole says

"He stole our thunder again!" Kai shouts annoyed

"Argh! I hate that Samurai!" Jay shouts

"geese boys" Aria sighs "can you get any more petty"

The Samurai steals the Golden Weapons and leaves. The mech swan dives and crashes in the desert. Kai has landed in another location.

"Kai!" The ninja call out as they look for him

Aria spots Kai heading towards them "Kai!"

After awhile they finally return to the Bounty and are now brushing their teeth for bed.

"He was all mysterious. Never said a word. Then handed me the Golden Weapons and poof, he was gone" Kai explains

"Poof? He just poofed?" Cole questions and Aria laughs

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, Kai. If the Samurai had his hands on the most powerful weapons in the whole wide world, why would he just give them back to you?" Jay asks

Kai shrugs "Um, I don't know. Maybe she-I mean, he's not so bad after all. All I do know is that we owe him our lives."

Aria turns sad "More importantly, Lloyd has found his way into the den of all snakes. There may be no way of rescuing him now.

Cole puts his hand on her head "don't worry kiddo, we'll save Lloyd"

"yeah don't sweat it" Jay laughs "we'll save your boyfriend"

Aria screams in frustration and embarrassment "he's not my boyfriend!"

"Ooo a confession." Kai jokes

"Where did boyfriend come from?!" Aria asks blushing

"You two seem close, we are making an assumption." Zane shrugs

"We.. were childhood friends." Aria admits

"Hehe." Kai rubs her head "Childhood friends huh?"

Aria moves his hand "Come on guys, it's not like that."

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