Chapter 21 [Psycho]

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"The library is... messed up."

He let go of me and walked to an empty bookshelf. He tried feeling the books, I guess, but he clearly failed. He fell to the ground and crouched, his legs being unable to stand on.


I ran up to him and crouched aswell. I pulled him closer to myself and laid his head on my chest.

"We will manage to make it look better, don't worry. I will help you, no matter how many days or weeks it will take."

Figure sobbed.

My heart broke into a thousand pieces seeing him like this. I had to make him feel better whatever it takes.

I shushed him and started stroking his head, also patting his back.

"I promise everything will be fine, we'll make this place look better than before, together!" I heard him slightly chuckling. 

"Thank you, my light."

Looking at the messed up scenery going on in the library again, I wanted to kill the person whoever made this library look like this, and disappointed Figure, pushing him into thinking he is a failure and that he couldn't protect the library.

"Shadow and Window..." he murmured.

My face lit up and I felt my hatred towards them growing even bigger. "I SWEAR I'LL KILL THEM, EVEN IF THEY WEREN'T THE ONES WHO MESSED UP EVERYTHING!" I shouted in rage.

Figure grabbed my arm and pulled me -who was about to stand up- closer towards himself. He pulled me into a hug and soon we were embracing together.

"I love you, you're the only one I need. Fuck this library, you already became my home." Figure said.

"Aww, I love you too. And maybe we can convince the others to help aswell."

He slightly nodded.

"Now come on, the Figure I know is strong. We are going to explain what happened to the others and everything will soon be back to normal. I'll never let you be sad."

I stood up while holding his hand and helped him stand up aswell. I tried to help Figure for him to not step on any books throughout the way. We stood in front of the bacon statue. I moved the statue out of the way. Figure bent a bit to fit through the door. After he was inside I went in too and moved the statue back to it's place. We started walking to the hangout place in the dark little maze-like path. Ambush welcomed us.

"Oh, hey Seek and Figure!" He waved and smiled. "So, did you guys get the human?"

A sly expression swept into my face. Figure heavily nodded, looking proud.

"Heh, and was the most satisfying of them all too." I said.

"Good. Well, you guys can go to the main room. Rest of the entities are there, I'mma get some water, gonna be back in a few minutes."

I nodded. Figure and I walked to the main room. The room had no door, so I didn't had to deal with opening it.

"Ohh ohh hey!" Screech shouted.

"Hi." Figure straight went into an empty single seat, knowing where it is like he knows himself. I sat on the other single seat, next to the one he's sitting at.

"Are you okay Figure?" Rush asked who has stopped chit-chatting with the others and turned to us. With Rush's question others also turned to us. "You seem down. Did something happen with killing the player?"

Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang