Tears For Better Tomorrows

ابدأ من البداية

A small group of said metallic creatures had gathered on the banks of a rushing river that snaked through the entire arena. They lounged around in the sunny clearing, minding their own business and recharging their energy before an abrupt gust of freezing wind rattled through like a trumpeting fanfare.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Poland howled, clinging to Germany for dear life as they throttled over the river, following it downstream. Russia had America slung over his shoulder with one arm while the other grazed the water's surface, sending shining sheets of ice rippling in front of them.

The puppets had no time to escape before huge slabs crushed them into the ground.

"Russia, could we please slow down a little?!" Germany hollered over the wind that was plowing into them. He was numbly white-knuckle gripping onto Russia's jacket just to avoid being flung away and not to mention Poland, still flying behind him like an unfurled banner.

"NO NO, GO FASTER! FASTERRRRRR!" America giggled, still disoriented from having his brain short-circuit. Clearly.

"Oh, good to see you're lucid enough to talk again," Germany hissed as Russia slowly guided their glacial path to a stop. Poland collapsed like a brick and began to thaw out in the sunniest spot.

"Mmh. Somebody roll down the window agaiiiiin," America complained as Russia placed him onto the ground. "That breeze was really nice."

"We weren't in a car you know..."

Germany glanced at the charm that Red Cross and Red Crescent had given them. It was glowing with a fierce crimson hue now, signaling that they were closing in on the challenge location.

"How are you holding up?" Germany asked the Russian who was doing his best to tune out Ame's nonsensical ramblings. He had been using his Awakening pretty moderately but because of his shackles, there was no telling when he would run out of energy. Germany was not looking to take a swim today.

"I'm feeling a little tired," Russia admitted as he flexed his fingers, making sure the numbness hadn't set in yet. "I slept pretty well though. We'll make it."

After a while of resting, they prepared to continue moving.

"OH COME ON NOT AGAIN," Poland huffed, his feathers ruffling in displeasure, "I just brought my body temperature back to normal! Can't I just fly above you guys?"

Germany gave him a pitying smile, "Sorry Pol, we talked about this. We aren't looking for any trouble until we can get their shackles off. If you fly, the others may spot you."

"And you can't hover around us with the winter winds blowing, "Russia finished, "Just take my coat. It may help a bit."

He tossed his ragged but warm coat to Poland, who wrapped it around himself begrudgingly. Compared to him, it looked more like a robe than a coat.

America folded his arms and whined, "Awwww how come don't I get a coat?"

"Didn't you say you felt too hot?"

"Oh yeaaaah."

After skidding over the water and burying a couple more enemies along the way, the river veered off into the thickets and led them no further. The charm was practically blinding now, pointing directly into a clearing that branched off to one side. Russia stepped off the frozen waters with America in tow.

"You two go ahead. We'll hold down the fort in the meantime," Germany assured them. "Go get those chains off."

"Now can I fly?" Poland huffed as he shook the coat off to stretch his wings. Germany chuckled and with a nod, the two pairs went their separate ways.

Where Winter Meets Summer (Rusame Countryhumans)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن