Chapter FoUrTeEn

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After breakfast and the almost kiss with zayn he decided to go somewhere for a while so he decided to visit the twist-styles shop to look for some things he needs.

He was at the paint isle when he listened his sister gemma thanking the customer at the cash counter and then coming towards him.

'Hey.' gemma said groaning slightly coming towards him while limping.

' What are you here for?' she asked now standing at his side.

"Extra paint. I want to finish the nursery tonight, in case Amir and Doniya get home tomorrow."  he said looking at different paint colors.

'-Oh, fun.' gemma replied looking at the cash register in her hand

"-Hey, what's with the limp?" harry asked her looking up from searching the paints.

'-Huh? Oh. Got a blister last night at the lights walk. Can you believe it?' she asked chuckling sarcastically.

"Oh, that's no fun." harry said genuinely.

'Well, it was actually fun. Helped get me outta my post-divorce funk, so... Anyway, how about you?' she replied nonchalant exhaling.
'You and Zayn and the kids have fun?' she asked him.

"Yeah. We did, actually.harry said smiling to himself and then looking up to see gemma looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"What?" harry asked her getting serious.

'Nothing. Ahem. Mom thinks he's single.' gemma said grinning at him

"How would Mom know that?" harry asked chuckling breathly.

'I don't know, maybe it's just a Mom skill. She does it with men for me too, you know. I mean, now.' gemma tells him factly.

"Hmm. Well, Zayn and I haven't talked about that sort of thing. I'm just helping him with the kids for a couple days while he's here,  and that's it."  harry said shrugging looking at paints and glancing at gemma secretly.

'Right. Mom said he lives in Manhattan. Not too far away from you, if you wanted to date.' gemma said still teasing him with more information.

"Who said anything about dating?" harry said with raised eyebrow

'Do you?' gemma asked him now smirking.

"I just came for paint." harry said grinning big now while picking up the paint and walking away from gemma.

'Oh, come on! So, do you want to date him?' gemma sighs and started limping towards him at the cash counter.

"What I want is to start a family, and it's not Zayn's thing." harry informs her putting paint can down on the counter.

'I thought you didn't talk about that.' gemma asked raising her eyebrows for the hundredth time now came to stand behind the counter.

"Not with Zayn." harry said quietly.

"Doniya had mentioned when I first moved back to Brayden, about maybe setting me and Zayn up." harry tells her further.

'Well, that sounds promising.' gemma said putting the can in a plastic bag.

Harry said matter of factly " Yeah. Until I told her that I wanted to start a family, and then she said Zayn and I wouldn't be a good fit. Apparently, he's kind of a permanent bachelor, and not the settling-down and starting-a-family kinda guy."

'Maybe. Or maybe you let him tell you that,
one way or the other. I mean, i-if you're interested.' gemma said honestly looking at him smiling .

"Mm-hmm." he sighed smiling and takes the paint in the plastic bag and left the store thinking about what gemma had said.



"Okay, let's restart with the opening paragraph, okay? zayn said to Sam sitting in his room on his bed while Sam stands in front of him with the script in his hands.

'Kay. "Many of you know of the man we call Santa Claus, but today you're going to hear
about how he came to be." Sam literally reads monotonously which made Zayn wince lightly listening to him.

"Okay. I'm gonna stop you right there. Uh, we'll do it again, but first things first-- let's do posture, okay?"  zayn said trying his best to help Sam In some way.

"Uh, stand straight. Okay. Very good."  zayn instructed Sam.

"Shoulders back. Feet planted!"

"Head up. Now you look confident!" zayn said after putting Sam in his desired position of confidance.

'But I'm not.' Sam whines deflated and sat on the windowsill.

" But you lookconfident-- and that is half the battle."zayn tells him sincerely.

"Bookmark that for the rest
of your life-- it's useful." zayn said proud at himself to thought something so deep.

"See, posture helps with your breathing,
which helps your voice, which we want to make larger, not louder." zayn started telling him.
"Okay? So, one comes from the throat, one comes from the chest."

"We want to talk down here in our chest." he said in a deep voice.

"We don't want to be up here in our... * throat *." he said in a bad squeaky voice.

'This is a lot.' Sam tells him shaking his head.

"It's standing, breathing, and talking.
You're doing all three right now." zayn gestures towards him smiling.

'You learned all this just by doing some plays when you were my age?'  Sam asked him impressed.

"No. I actually took some speech classes in college. I was shy back then." zayn informs him quietly smiling to him

'-You were?' Sam asked unbelievably smiling too.

"-I was! Teenage years are not easy on anybody, but I promise you... it does get better. Little things that you're doing along the way-- like this play-- they all help." zayn motivates and tries to calm him further  which works magically and Sam stands up from the windowsill with his script in his hand.

"There we go! All right! Let's do this. Ready?
In three... two, one-- action!" zayn said smiling and clapping pleased with Sam.

Sam took a deep breath 'Many of you know
of the man we call Santa Claus, but today you're going to hear about how he came to be.' Sam blows air after saying the whole dialogue within one breath making it sounds like forced.

"Okay, this time, let's try breathing and talking-- same time-" zayn said smiling to him when his phone chimes in the middle with a notification which made his jaw dropped first and then his face split into a wide smile afterwards.

Vote this up if you're enjoying the story and I hope y'all are doing good.

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