Chapter TwElVe

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They were all seeing the Christmas lights with harry's family and drinking hot chocolate from a stall with quiet chatter between them.

'So, Zayn, is this your first time to Brayden?' robin Harry's step dad asked him.

"Uh, no, actually, I was here five years ago." he replied while looking at robin, Anne standing right to her nodding his head.

'Oh, right--the kitchen incident!' robin said laughing which made all of them laugh a little.

"Does everyone know?" zayn asked mortified with a little edge on his voice.

'No. No, no, no. Pop, here, and I run
Twist-styles General Store, so all the contractors
come to us for all the supplies.' gemma chimes to make him calm.

"All of 'em?" zayn asked still confirming.

'All of them!' the whole family said in unison somehow.

'As well as my youngest, who's back home now...-for good!' robin said smiling and pinched Harry's cheeks .

'-Mm.' harry said chuckling towards his step father.

"Where were you before?" zayn asked looking at him smiling.

'Los Angeles.' harry said still smiling at zayn.

'But you're here now, thanks to Great-Aunt Mimi's kind heart.' robin said and they all do the same weird air smooch thing including Sam and zaneyah which harry did before so zayn also took part in him quite awkwardly to air smooch.

'Come on. This is supposed to be a Christmas lights walk, not "linger".
Let's mosey!' Harry's mom said to everyone and pull his step dad with her to wander around.

'Kacey, let's "mosey".' gemma said to her daughter too with Sam and zaneyah tagging along with them

'We're walking now.' he heard Anne said bossily to no one in particular while moving ahead.

"We're walking." zayn replied with everyone else and started walking side by side with harry.

'Hey, guys.' harry while walking waves to the same two guys he had seen him interacting with in the morning.

"Who are they?" zayn asked atlast filled with curiosity to know more.

'That's Liam and Micheal. Liam grew up in Brayden and when he moved back, he brought Micheal with him.'  harry said walking with him looking ahead.

"Oh, another relative?" he asked looking at him

'No. Liam was my high-school boyfr--' harry started to say but stopped because zayn had just broke all the embarrassment records of his own life and had fallen face first to the ground with a thud.

'-You okay?' harry asked him looking concerned.

"-Yep! That shrub just attacked me!"  zayn tells him seriously while standing up quickly embarrased by the whole situation.

'I'm beginning to think you have an inner-ear disorder.' harry tells him amused

"Hilarious."zayn laughs nervously while cleaning his coat from the snow. "You were saying? Liam?" he asked harry again with red cheeks looking back at the boys at the back.

'Uh... Liam and I broke up in college, which is where he met Micheal. ' harry tells him while started walking again.

"Oh. Is he the one that got away?"  zayn asked him smiling  in his way

'No! No, Liam and Micheal are perfect for each other. I'm really happy for them. They're good people.' harry said smiling at zayn and shrugging with his hands in his coat pockets.

"I'm sensing a "but...""  zayn said looking at him quite smugly.

Harry laughed a little and said 'Sometimes, I envy what they have. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to fall in love, get married, become a dad.' harry finished smiling.

"Your happily-ever-after?" Zayn said smiling subtly too looking at the ground he's walking.

'Somethin' like that. What about you?' harry said now looking at him.

"Oh. I don't know about "happily ever after". 
I-I go on dates, I just barely make it to a second one."  he explained with a little stutter due to the sudden question.

'Why?' harry asked him

"If you ask my best friend, Louis, it's because I'm always looking for a reason to run. Don't ask me why." zayn said looking at harry grinning.

'Well, maybe it's easy to find a reason to run
if there's not a better reason to stay.' harry  tells him sincerely.

"I'm totally quoting you on that." zayn said stopping and looking at harry smiling widely and impressed by Harry's words.

'You're welcome.' harry tells him now smiling too and looking in his eyes.

"Well, I'm... sure you'll find your guy eventually.' " zayn said after a while to harry after having a strange staring contest with him in the middle of the street.

'Yeah. But I'm tired of waiting for my happily-ever-after to start. ' harry replied him non chalantly

"What does that mean?" zayn asked confused and blinking fast looking at harry.

'After this Christmas, I am starting the adoption process. That's what I needed
the retainer fee for. No more waiting.
I'm gonna have my happily-ever-after,
even if I gotta do it on my own.' harry tells him smiling and started walking and Zayn just stood there smiling at Harry's answers and then decided to go back to harry to see some night lights and enjoy them.

Second update for today. Seems like certain someone is getting impressed uhmm and this story is now half way done too.
So hope you Enjoy

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