Chapter SeVeN

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He was standing on the road at which his phone said he's arrived at the destination but the problem is in front of him are two identical houses which made him anxious to which house belongs to his sister but after alot of thinking and 3 rounds of playing eeny meeny the most reliable game of all time he decided to go to the house on the right side and started walking on the sidewalk of the house inspecting everything.
When the sidewalk ends there were two steps infront of the Main door on which a little tiny gnome was placed.

"Oh!, wow,  okay!." he said clinking the gnome with his hand climbing the steps and goes to the main door and tried to see in the house with peephole when he didn't saw anything he decided to knock on the door. What he didn't expect was the loud barking of dog from the other side which made him lost his balance then trip and started to fall back

"WOAHH!!" He screamed eyes wide ready to feel the cold concrete floor on his bum but instead he gets engulfed in the big warm arms from behind which didn't let him hit the floor and made him stand up he hurriedly left the embrace and turn around wide eyed.

'Hi.' the stranger said to him but he got flabbergasted by the most beautiful men he has ever seen infront of him.

"Who are you? "he asked him after recovering from his shock.

'I'm the guy who lives here ' the handsome stranger said smiling showing his dimples... "Zayn stared at him still"....' Oh Harry..Harry styles. Your families neighbor.' harry said introducing himself properly to the man.

"OH!! HI! Zayn......Malik...the brother... Which you obviously already know." he said flushed stuttering and shaking the hand of this beautiful man named Harry Styles.

"obviously!!" Zayn said still shaking Harry's hand. "I've said 'obviously ' twice." he said Retreating his hands in his pockets and chuckle awkwardly which made harry do the same thing too.

'Uh. This way.' harry said and took Zayn's suitcase and walking to the other house.

Zayn stare at him then understand what Harry's doing and started walking behind him. "Right!  All these houses out here, they just uhh...they look -- they look the same to me." he said almost tripping over a stone while walking.

'So when was the last time you were in Brayden?' Harry asked looking back at him.

"A while. Doniya and Amir usually come to visit me in the big city, when they need some grown-up time " Zayn replied and looks ahead to see they're on the door of the house on the left side now.

"you're new." he asked harry stepping up on the stairs.

' yes and no.' harry replied simply looking back at him and entered the house.

"well,  you guys sure do like to go all out for Christmas around here." Zayn said entering the house after Harry.

'well, you should see my mom and dad's place across the street.' harry said looking up after putting the suitcase down.

"Oh, your parents are across the street?" Zayn asked interestingly.

'Yeah, for a few years. Then my place opened up around the time my great aunt glenne-god rest her soul--' he tells giving her a smooch mid sentence looking upwards and then continued. 'left me enough for a down payment. Here I am.' he said shrugging after telling his story.

"Here you are" Zayn chuckled awkwardly with his eyes and mouth wide open and hands in his jean pockets.

'enough about me ' harry said smiling and raising his eyebrows and started walking towards the living area of the house

"wow." Zayn whispers looking at the Christmas decorations in the medium sized house.

'Doniya left this for you.' harry said picking up some papers from the wooden table in the livingroom

"Ah,  yes! The schedule!" Zayn said taking the papers from Harry and started looking them."Wow, this is the longest document I've seen that wasn't a mortgage application." he tells chuckling to himself looking at the schedule.

"She has got this down to the minute!
7 A. M. --wake up.  Oooff" he said looking up at harry.
" 7:10-- make sure children are awake. Ohh, she's serious.
7:15-- begin ordering breakfast. Menus are in" he looks up confused.
" I'm feeling very Maria von trapp meets the captain at the moment." he tells harry.

'Oh she doesn't have the play on here.' harry said after peeking into the schedule.

"play?" Zayn asked.

'yeah there's an audition for the Christmas play, tomorrow at 10 A.M.' harry tells him smiling.

"I was in Christmas plays when I was a kid. I once played an elf named Gunther. Pretty sure that's the origin of my lederhosen aversion." Zayn unconsciously rambled but stopped when he sees harry looking him with a subtle smirk.

"Ahem. You were saying?" Zayn coughed and said trying to wipe out the embarrassment.

'Yeah, Sam really wants to audition. He kinda has a crush on my niece, but we don't discuss it.' harry said smiling

"wise.ha." Zayn smiled widely.

'well,  what does she have down for 10?' harry asked him.

"Uh,  Christmas crafts. Makes stocking for a baby." Zayn tells after looking the schedule.

'Well,  I'm already taking my niece Kacey to the auditions- I can take Sam, too.and then you're free to make the stockings with zaneyah.' harry tells him calmly.

"yeah,  okay."he replied shortly cause he was impressed and at the loss of words too.
"Are you sure?" he asked confirming.

'Yeah. And that way, you'll be back on schedule by noon. For Umm lunch.'harry said coming closer to zayn and looking at the schedule again.

"That's great. Cool. Okay...yeah" Zayn said flushed which made harry looks at him amused.

"where are the kids, anyway? " Zayn said moving in circles and looking for the kids in an attempt to stop the blushing.

'They're asleep? ' harry tells him frowning.

"So early?" Zayn asked.

'it's past 10:30 pm.' harry chuckles.

"which is late......for children." he said nodding looking at harry

'and for me too. So if you're okay here. I'm gonna head home.' harry tells him taking his phone out and starting walking to the front door.

This made Zayn huffs anxiously looking harry from the back leaving and biting his lips soon he heard his mobile bell chimes and he pulls out his phone from the pocket.

'I air dropped my contact info to your phone. So if you need any help I'm just right next door. ' harry said turning back towards him smiling.

"Bless you!" Zayn said looking up from his phone chuckling and getting relaxed.

'You're doing a great thing Zayn............the brother.' harry told him smiling his dimpled smile.

"Thank you Harry.......The neighbor." Zayn replied genuinely smiling big.

'Night.' harry said and left the house.

Zayn exhales loudly and started Ted talking to calm himself down "Don't look for a reason to run. You so got this." he clapped his hands and looks around the house "mmm-hmm" he saw the Christmas decoration balls on the table and goes to picks them up but dropped them on the floor so he decided to call it a night and goes to his room for a good night sleep.

A single update for today.
Did you guys enjoyed Z and H first encounter?

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