Chapter ThIrTeEn

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The next day in the hospital doniya was looking at the little baby angel  cradling her in her arms softly with her husband Amir by her side.

"Amir......She's a Christmas baby." Doniya said sniffling slightly.

' I know.' Amir whispers looking at the smiling sleeping baby

"You softie." she said wiping the tears from his eyes.

'I know.' he said looking at her lovingly and pecking her lips softly. His phone buzzes on the table and he looks back at it

"Your mom or mine?" doniya asked him now caressing baby's hair.

'Mine.' he said hoarsely while his phone buzzes again with another call.
'Oh, no... now yours.They want updates.' he said but puts the phone back nontheless and caress the baby's head smiling. 'Should we start telling everyone?'he whispered again.

"Not yet. I want to savor this moment a little longer." she replied inhaling deeply just lost in the lovely moment with her husband and the new addition in her life.



          * We'll be together*
               *once again *
          * This Christmas *
  * Time with the loved ones*
            *Hanging gifts... *
The slow Christmas music was playing in the house when he feels a sudden blob of wetness on his face which is what had disturbed his sleep again ironically today.

"Stop. Ugh. Stop trying to make fetch happen." he said to Oscar wiping the wetness off of his scrunched up face and turn to his side to look at the time on his phone.

"Oh..." he said when he looks that he had woke up half hour late today too from the schedule.

"Excuse me, gotta get up,
excuse me." he said to Oscar sitting on his duvet and then getting out from it.

He was on the stairs when he heard and then saw Harry cutting fruits in the kitchen swaying slightly in his black jacket and grey shirt looking handsome and making breakfast with the Christmas music playing in the background.

'Good morning.' harry said smiling when he looked up and saw him coming.

"Morning!" he said in a amused voice still surprised of what he has seen harry doing.

'I figured, since you're paying me, the least I can do is come in early and make breakfast.' harry said now placing cutted strawberries into the plates with waffles.

"Well, I applaud your reasoning." he said coming into the kitchen and sniffing the aroma of the kitchen when he smelled the all too familiar and the most needed smell.

"Why do I smell coffee?" zayn said looking everywhere in the kitchen when Harry passed him a hug full of black coffee.

"Oh... Oh, ho, ho, ho... ho! That's it-- I am paying you double." he said with his jaw totally on the floor completely whipped.

'I'll add it to the bill.' harry said grinning softly at him.

"-Oh." zayn moaned lightly after he tasted coffee on his taste buds after a whole day.

'-Have you heard anything from your sister
about the baby?' harry asked him clearing his throat coughing lightly.

"Ah, not yet. I texted them last night, but no response." he tells harry looking up at him from his coffee mug.

'When's your flight to Hawaii?' harry asked glancing at him then trying to concentrate on waffles rather then zayn.

"Christmas Eve afternoon. Depending on
when they get back. " he tells him enjoying the homemade coffee.

'That's tomorrow. You're gonna miss Sam's  play.' harry informed him sadly.

"I I I didn't know about it when I changed my reservation."  he said slightly stuttering making harry sad was not his intention at all but he did.

Harry puts his breakfast plate infront of him beside his coffee jug.

"Santa waffles!" he said looking impressed at the Santa made out of waffles with whipped cream beard and strawberries hat on the head.

'I have many skills. Apparently.' harry said now smiling.

"Can I help?" he asked trying to get involved in what harry was doing.

'Sure.' harry replied sweetly.

"Okay. Uh... how do we do this?" he asked standing in front of a plate having no clue with a plain waffle in it.

'Strawberries.'harry points softly towards them.

"Kay. Just lay 'em down here?" zayn asked softly not knowing what to do next.

'Yeah, start at the top.' harry tells him now getting close to him that their arms are slightly touching.

"Okay." he asked looking up at harry for confirmation.

'Good. Now all he needs is a fluffy white beard.' harry said looking at zayn now smiling

"Okay. How's that?" zayn said looking up again smiling too seeing Harry's smile.

'I think you got it.' harry whispers to him now looking at his lips and then up in his eyes which made Zayn started to lean towards him slowly too where their nose starts to touch.

'Waffles?' the loud voice came which ended their sweet moment abruptly to made them came out of their little world.

"Hey! Sam. Good morning!" zayn greets back now holding on to the stove behind the kitchen island away from Harry while harry just wiped his nose and started making the other waffle plate.

"Uh, how-how how are the lines coming?" zayn continued to make the environment less awkward between him and harry infront of Sam.

'Mr. D said I could keep the script during the performance, since it's tomorrow, and I won't be able to memorize all the lines by then.' Sam said now sitting at the chair on the island with the script in his hands.

"Smart." zayn said nodding.

'I'm not very good.' Sam said picking at the ends of the script.

"Well, if you want, I can help you. I did some Christmas plays when I was younger." zayn said now coming forward glancing at harry on his side who's looking at him smiling which made Zayn somewhat confident.

'Okay. I mean, I need all the help I can get.' Sam tells him shrugging.

"Okay! Great. Yeah. Uh, after breakfast?
Why don't you go wake up your sister?
It is... waffle time!" zayn said excitedly clapping his hands together.

'Waffle time.' Sam said standing up from the chair and going upstairs to wake zaneyah up.

"Can I get a "ho, ho, ho"? Let me hear ya, Sam! "Ho, ho, ho!" zayn said pumping with energy when Sam just smiled and walked upstairs shaking his head at his uncle.

"I'm starting to feel a bond." zayn said now looking at harry who just laughs looking at him and making another plate for zaneyah.

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