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Tears had filled my eyes without even realizing it.
He found me.
He saw what Brody did-almost did to me, again.

The worst scenario possible had happened.
This couldn't be real.
This was all too much for me, right now.

Breathing became more and more difficult for me.

"Take a deep breath, Rose." Erling's warm voice said while he gently ran the back of my hand up and down.
Tears rolled down my face.

"W-where's he now?" I asked, fearing the answer.
"He's not gonna hurt you, anymore."

Oh, no.
This couldn't mean anything good.

"W-w-what did you do, Erling?"
My fear increased.

He sighed and took his hand, to run it through his face.

"I did nothing, he didn't deserve."

"N-no." I cried, silently. "You made everything worse."
My heart picked up speed.
He looked at me, noticeably confused.
"How did I make it worse?"

"He's never gonna stop."
I mumbled to myself in a small voice.
"Stop what?"
He asked even more confused.
"Rose, talk to me. I can help."

I looked up at him with tears rolling down my face. "He's gonna freak out. He's gonna.-"

"He's not gonna do anything." he interrupted me, instantly. "Not while I'm around."
Erling said with so much clarity and security as it was only possible.
I looked into his sincere eyes and felt all my problems, worries and fear slowly feel less and less heavy.

He replied the same gaze.

I wanted to kiss him. I really wanted to.
But like always there was this voice in the back of my head, which constantly told me "no."

The fear and the pain was too present at the moment.
I couldn't give in and kiss him.
No matter how much I wanted to be as close to him as possible.
Feel his comfort and be near him.

"I-I don't know w-what to do, Erling."
I looked down to my hands and felt tears dripping down my shirt.

"Hey-" Erling softly spoke and tried to catch my gaze, in which he was successful in.
"I'm with you."

"You can stay here as long as you want to."

I looked at him.
"But your parents-"

"They won't mind, don't worry."

I swallowed. "Why are you doing this? Why are you so nice to me?"
The same question, I had asked him not too long ago.

I just couldn't believe someone would do all of this, for nothing.
Not wanting anything in return.
Unbelievable to me.

"Rose." He slowly shock his head. "I care about you and that's my only motive. I promise."
He looked into my eyes and spoke those heart warming words.

I bit my lip and sobbed. "Thank you." My voice was tiny.
"No, don't thank me. I should've noticed what's going on, sooner-That your father is an abusive piece of ..-""

"He's not my father." quickly, I said.
Erling looked at me in question. "He's my moms boyfriend."
In Erling's face I noticed some kind of relief. He seemed to be relived that it wasn't my biological father who did this to me. Of course that doesn't change how bad and messed up all of this was.

"And no." I said referring to his statement. "I- I did everything I could to keep this from you. This is not your fault."

"Why did you, tough?" He looked at me after a moment of silence.
In his eyes, I dared to find sadness, frustration and anger, which wasn't dedicated to me.
I knew that.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
His eyes stayed on mine.
"I would've never let him do that to you."

I tried to prevent myself from crying, but it was hard.
"I- I thought, it would make things more complicated. And maybe you would see me differently."

I sobbed.

"I could never see you differently, Rose. You're still that amazing, sweet and beautiful girl, I've met weeks ago."
I swallowed and looked into his eyes, which had become softer.
His words hit right to the heart. 
I managed to smile.
It was sincere.


After Erling had ordered some food for us, we were on his bed.
I was mostly laying on it, resting, while Erling leaned against the wall with one of his feet angled and the other one spread out.
He was eating a slice of pizza while looking to the tv in front of him.

I took a slice, too, and looked outside the window.
I was thankful, I wasn't at home, right now.
But being the pessimist I was, I was already thinking about the punishment, I would have to endure when I get home.

Also, I felt bad.
I felt bad about the fact, that Erling had done everything for me, while I was sitting here and still not being completely honest with him.

He knew about the attack and the beatings, but he had no idea that he came into my life several months too late.
The damage was already done.

I felt bad for not being completely honest with him, even though, he made it clear to me, that he wouldn't see me in a different light.
Still, I was sitting here and hiding things from him.
He didn't deserve this after doing what he had just done.

It was hard for me, but I needed to be honest, and it needed to happen now.


𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 (𝐄𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now