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I sat on the back of Erling's motorcycle, with my arms around his waist.
Tears were still coming from time to time.
Especially, when thinking about Brody and the consequences my actions would have.

We walked to his front door and Erling got his keys out.
We didn't say a word the whole ride.
I knew, that he had understood by now that not everything was alright.
He wasn't dumb or blind.

He opened the door without a word and let me walk in first.
I had my face lowered while entering the house.
It was quiet inside.
The door behind me closed.

My nervousness came back.

"Are you thirsty? Or hungry?"
I turned my face to the side, where Erling stood with his hands in his pockets.
Slightly, I shock my head.
"No." My voice was thin.

"I-I just want to sleep." It was hard getting those words out.
Sleeping in a strangers house, again.
Asking a stranger to sleep in his home, again.
It wasn't a comfortable feeling, especially with my story.
"Sure." He said, before walking ahead, going upstairs.

We arrived in his bedroom. It still looked the same.
"You take the bed."

He walked to the couch, he had slept on the last time, and prepared the couch.
"You can really don't have to do this. I don't mind the couch."

Erling took of his sneakers, after he had spread the blanket.
"I'm not gonna discuss this with you."
He mumbled.

I bit my lip.
I knew, he wouldn't let me have a say in this.
Quietly, I sat down on his bed and took off my sneakers as well.
I noticed, I was still wearing Erling's jacket.
I took it off and folded it on the other half of the bed.

A little awkwardly, I laid down on his bed and spread the covers over my body.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrating in my pants pocket, again.
Tears immediately filled my eyes.
I didn't even wanna look at my screen, but I did.
I needed to see.

Brody: "I'm gonna kill you."

Brody: "you're gonna regret this."


My chest rose and fell more heavenly each time, I read his words.
I couldn't help it, but sob.

"Rose, what's wrong?"
Erling's worried voice appeared in the dark room, which was slightly lit by the lanterns from outside.
Quickly, I wiped away my tears.

"N-nothing." I wasn't even sure, if he was able to hear me. That's how small my voice was.
He didn't say anything.
Instead, footsteps approached the bed.
I didn't have the energy to react to him being so close. It was dark and I wasn't able to see his every move.
That thought scared me.

The lanterns shining through the window, lightened up Erling's big stature.
"Rose, if I - if I hurt you in any way, I'm sorry."
He looked at me apologetic.
I wiped away upcoming tears.
"You didn't."
It wasn't him who hurt me.
Brody did.
But his scars were stuck inside of my soul, and I didn't know if they'd ever heal.

I tried to hold back more tears, but it was nearly impossible.
"You can talk to me."
Erling carefully got closer to the bed and then crouched down to me.
"No." I said, shaking. "I don't want to talk about it." My voice was paper thin.
Erling sighed, slightly, before looking back into my teary eyes. "Okay."

"Can I do anything for you?"
He asked, softly through his rough voice. 
I shook my head and slowly turned my face towards his, to look at his eyes for the first time.
In his eyes, I saw so much concern and sensitivity.
This gave me a sting in my heart.
He shouldn't feel guilty about what happened. It wasn't his fault that a boy's company scared me so much.

"No, I'm okay." I lied, quietly.

He looked at me, as if he knew, that that was a lie.
But, he didn't say anything to that.
"Okay. I'll let you sleep."
He got up from his crouch.
"Good night." I almost whispered.
"Good night." He softly answered before walking back to the couch and laying down.
I cuddled myself into the blankets.
My eyes got heavy and it wasn't long after until I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes widely and abrupt, when my nightmares teared me out of my sleep.
My heart picked up pace while tears rolled down my cheeks.
My nightmares didn't only cause me to wake up, they did the same with Erling.

"Hey-hey." Erling suddenly sat on my bed edge and looked at me, worried.
I couldn't stop the tears from coming.

"C-can I?"
Erling carefully asked and indicated to embrace me.
Even though, it wasn't him who scared me, the fear was still present.
But right now, I just needed him.
I needed comfort and I needed to feel safer than I did feel most of the time.

Therefore, I slowly nodded, not really being sure if that was the right thing to do.
Erling sighed kind of relieved.
Not a second went by, where I didn't drop a tear.

Carefully, he moved closer and positioned himself next to me instead of in front of me, so he was able to put one arm around my shoulder and gently pull me close.
I covered my face in his white shirt and let my tears fall.
Erling gently went up and down my upper arm with his hand to calm me down.
I cried continuously into his chest.
It was hard to breathe normally.
My mind was still progressing everything that had happened in real life and in my dreams.

However, Erling being so close to me, holding me in his arms made me feel safer and more comfortable.
It was the first time in a long time, that I felt like I could let myself fall.
And, I did.
My eyes have gotten heavy, again.
My body was exhausted from crying.

I blinked a few times, before opening my eyes completely.
Sleepy, I took a look around.
It was still dark outside and it was raining.
When I slightly turned my head to my right, I saw Erling laying next to me, asleep.
His arm was still around my shoulder.
His free hand was placed on the very end of his stomach.
We were laying really close to each other.
But, I didn't feel anything.
No fear, no escape feeling, no nothing.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 (𝐄𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang