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Erling went to the closet and got some clothes out of it.

"Here, you can take these."
He said and handed me a pair of clothes.
Hesitantly, I looked at the clothes in his hands, before taking them.
"Thank you."

"No problem."

He went back to the closet and grabbed some more clothes out of it. "I'm gonna take a shower. You can get changed in here and watch tv, or whatever you like. Just feel at home, ok?"
Erling looked at me with soft eyes.
Quietly, I nodded.
He granted me one last smile, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I looked at the closed door and then at the clothes in my hand.
I wanted to get changed quickly, because I was scared somebody might burst in.
Quickly, I pulled my pants off and put some grey-way too big- sweatpants on.
Right after, I took my top off and put the long, oversized, black shirt on.
After being completely dressed again, I felt relived and a little more relaxed.
That was until my phone started buzzing.
I took it out of my pants, which were laying on the floor.
Nervously, I looked at the name on the display.
- Brody -

I closed my eyes for a brief moment.
Just for one night.
One night of no pain.
I opened my eyes again and declined the call, before completely turning off my phone.
It was for the best.
If he'd continue to call me, I'd probably give in and go back home.
To prevent that, I needed my phone to be off.

I walked to these big windows and stopped in front of them.
The city lights looked perfect when it was dark.
I took a deep breath and just enjoyed the view for a moment.
What I'd give to just be able to run.
Run away-anywhere.
Even though, it was a terrifying thought to be alone, there was nothing I wanted more than be alone right now.
Away from my family and life.
Just start somewhere new.
Maybe even with a new name.
What a beautiful fantasy that was.
Unfortunately, fantasies stay fantasies, and reality stays reality.

Suddenly, I heard the door open.
Quickly, I turned around to see who was getting inside the room.

Erling walked inside, wearing grey sweatpants and a white shirt, which strongly emphasized his muscles.
His hair was wet and backcombed.
His eyes instantly wandered to me.
"You hungry?"

I bit my lip before hesitantly nodding.
"Do you like sushi?"
I nodded, again.
"Okay, I'm gonna drive to a restaurant to get some for us."
He said while rubbing his blonde hair dry with a white towel.
Meanwhile I watched his every move.

"C-can I come with you?"
I asked, nervously while playing with my hands.
I didn't want to be alone in a strangers house with other strangers.
Also, I needed distraction from Brody and school.
Maybe, Erling could help with that.

"Sure." He seemed to be surprised, but the corners of his mouth formed into a smile.
I returned his smile.

We walked downstairs into the corridors, where we put our shoes on.
"Here, take that."
Erling said and handed me a baby blue sweat jacket with the words "Manchester city" combined with a logo on it.
"It's cold."
He said before grabbing himself a casual, black sweat jacket and throwing it on.
Inwardly, I smiled.
No clue.

I put on the sweat jacket and closed it up.
We walked outside the house and directly towards the garage. "We'll take the car."
He mumbled before opening the garage and exposing me to an expensive car selection.
Don't get me wrong, I had no clue about cars.
But, from the way they looked, they couldn't be cheap ones.
Erling unlocked one of the cars, which was an all black Audi SUV.
He opened the passenger door and looked at me expectant.
"Thanks." I smiled, softly before getting into the car and watching Erling closing the passenger door again.
He walked around the car and got in the drivers seat.

While he drove off, I looked outside the window and looked at the stars shining.
It was about 8 pm and it was dark outside.
I enjoyed being out at an "late" hour like that.
For me it was late, because normally I'd have to be home right after school.
There was no such thing for me as free time or hobbies.
My daily life was going to school, going home and doing my homework, and then the night came.
And by now, it must be clear how that night looked like for me. 


I turned my head to my left, when I heard Erling's voice in my head.
"I asked what kind of sushi you want."

"Uhm." I thought. I never went out to eat, because my mom didn't care about me, Brody didn't care about me unless it was about my body, and money wasn't much either.
So, I had no idea what I wanted to eat.
"I-I don't care. You can choose."
I said, without really looking at him.
"You sure?"
Now, I turned my head to him and nodded slightly.

"Alright." He said before getting out of the car, followed by me.
We walked inside the sushi restaurant, which was crowded with people.
This immediately made me nervous. A public place with so many strange people. No one resembled one another and no one could be seen through.
I took a small breath and tried to remain calm and inconspicuous.
Erling ordered food for him and his family, and me.
We had to wait a few minutes before it was ready.
After that, we drove back to his house with the bags of sushi on the backseat.

Erling walked inside the big living room, which included the kitchen, too, and put the bags on the table.

"Thanks, honey." His mom Maria walked into the living room and smiled.
"The boys are starving." She said while unpacking the bags.
Two little, blonde boys, probably around 8-10 years old sat on the high table and drew on papers.

"No problem." Erling mumbled before taking one bag from the table. "We'll eat upstairs, ok?"

"Sure." She smiled softly and the both of us.
I replied her smile before walking upstairs with Erling.

When we arrived at his room, he closed the door behind us and put the bags on the little couch table near the couch and armchair.

I unzipped the sweat jacket Erling had given me and took it off, because it was getting hot in here.
Slowly, I walked towards the couch and eventually sat down.
Erling had prepared the food and drinks for us, and now took of his sweat jacket, too.
Erling mumbled while looking hungry.
He started to eat right away.
"Thanks for the food."
I said.
"No problem." He looked at me with soft eyes before he shoved a piece of sushi in his mouth.
I wished, I could have given him money for the food.
But, I didn't have anything.
My mom never gave me anything.
I couldn't get a job, because Brody wouldn't approve.
He's probably scared, I could save enough money to run away.
Good thought.
But it was impossible for me to ever run away.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 (𝐄𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now