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After we finished eating, Erling leaned back on the armchair and ran his hand through his hair.
He looked full and exhausted like a little kid.
That thought made me giggle, without wanting to.

Erling's eyes were instantly on me once he heard my little giggle.
"What?" He grinned and raised an eyebrow after turning his face towards me.
"Nothing." I quickly said, embarrassed, looking down to my hands, placed on my lap.

I could feel Erling's grin without even looking at him.
My face must've turned red by now.
"You're cute, when your embarrassed."
My eyes wandered up to his face.
Did he just say, I was cute?

Normally that'd would freak me out.
A boy talking about my appearance.
But, this time?
It felt like an actual compliment, I could take.

Erling's eyes were shining.
In his eyes I could see so much good.
It was indescribable, but that's how I felt when I looked into his eyes.

But, that was wrong.
It couldn't happen.
Erling and I.
I'm too messed up, to broken, to damaged.
No one would be able to love me like that.
No one deserved to have to handle all of my demons.
It was way too much to ask for.

Before I was able to continue thinking, I started to yawn uncontrolled.
Erling's grin came back. "Tired?"

I looked at him, biting my lip slightly before nodding.
Erling got up from the armchair and went to the closet, where he looked for something.
I got up as well and ran my hand through my hair.
I was really tired.
And for the first time, I wasn't too scared to go to bed.
I wasn't scared, I was going to get woken up by him touching me, or worse than that.
I wasn't completely fearless tonight, but it was less than normally.
"Are you sure about me sleeping in the bed? I really don't mind the couch."
I said.
I didn't want him to sleep uncomfortably because of me.
"Yeah, I'm sure." He looked at me, convinced.
"The couch is much comfier than it looks."
He added before taking out a blanket from the closet and walking to the couch.

I slowly walked to his bed and looked at it awkwardly.
It was weird sleeping in someone else's bed.
Especially, when the person it belonged to was laying just a few meters away from me on a way too small couch for their height.

Hesitantly, I got in the bed and then covered my body under the sheets.
Swallowing, I looked at the ceiling above.
My heart felt heavy, when I thought about Brody probably calling and texting me, maybe even looking for me.
I knew my punishment wouldn't be harmless.
I knew it would break me completely.
But, one night.
That's all I asked for.
One night of safety.

I closed my eyes, when Erling turned off the lights in the room.
I could hear him walking back to the couch and positioning himself on it.

"Good night." He said in a tired, rough voice.
I swallowed, quietly. "Good night." I said with a small voice.

The lights were out. Only the stars shining through the windows made the room lit up a little bit.
Being here was so different from being at home.
Erling's world was nothing like mine.
We were so different.
And that's one of the many reasons we could never be anything more than friends.
I had no idea if we even were that.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 (𝐄𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now