The Older members of Reunion fought quietly, awaiting the inevitable, while the younger ones shouted and mocked.

"Die Die Die!"

"Come on! Fight us!"

"HA! Reunion can't lose here!"

One overzealous Reunion Cocktail thrower that had been given grenades had rushed ahead over the defensible positions and threw a grenade at the approaching army, causing an explosion and shouts to be heard in the distance.

The Cocktail thrower turned and attempted to return to cover, only to be shot in the back multiple times

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The Cocktail thrower turned and attempted to return to cover, only to be shot in the back multiple times. He starts crawling a few feet before crumbling to the ground and dying.

"Keep fighting!" Someone on the Reunion side shouts desperately.

"Just give up, damn it!" An Enclave officer pinned by the machine gun only a few meters away shouted back to them.

"Never!" Another Reunion cried out.

A powerful voice speaking off in the distance where Enclave was coming from could be heard over the battlefield. If Reunion could see past the smoke, they would see a large tank with a megaphone on top of it. Again, a deep voice echoes over the battlefield.

"Reunion forces! This is Seneschal of the Farsight Enclave. By order and the mercy of Commander Farsight, I offer you one chance to surrender and save your lives!"

For a brief moment, all sounds of fighting cease, and guns go silent. All seemed to be caught off-guard by the act of mercy. But then, the quiet battlefield is broken by a voice from somewhere in the Reunion Line.

"Take your false mercy and shove it up your asses!"

The insult echoes in the silence as the most overzealous Reunion laugh and cheers at the mocking of their enemies. The older Reunion members shake their heads in dismay. They have just doomed them all.

"SO BE IT! FINISH THEM!" Seneschal thunders over the Megaphone.

Reunion forces get back into position and prepare to continue fighting when across their entire defensive line, only a meter in front of them, Enclave soldiers pop up from below hidden cover, wielding strange tubes with tanks on their backs.

Any Reunion soldiers with experience know what these soldiers hold, and their eyes widen in horror. Reunion Leaders attempted to shout the order to kill them, but it was already too late. The sounds of agonizing screams across the entire Reunion frontline echo. No mercy was given to the final defenders.






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