"The Universe itself is a tree." Ben said "A very wet tree. Now each branch is a history."

"And your just like a monkey that jumped from a different branch." Charmcaster said "Well since you have my true name it isn't that far a stretch. I haven't uttered it since-"

"Spellbinder gave his life getting you out from Addwaitya boot heel." Ben said.

"So in your universe-"

"Me, Gwendolyn, Kevin and you confronted him and kicked his ass?" Ben asked as the pizza was put on the table "Thank you ma'am."

"Did I-" Charmcaster started.

"Use the souls of the entire dimension to bring him back?" Ben said putting a piece on his plate "Yes."

"What?! No!" Charmcaster said disguised "Did I use the Alpha Rune to...oh shit what in the 9 hells happened to the rune?!"

"A guy stole it to make a map to abort a God fetus and become the most powerful being in existence." Ben said passing her a plate.

Charmcaster jaw went slack. Ben took a bite of his food "We stopped him but the rune was destroyed when the map was formed."

Charmcaster suddenly realized why Ben was talking to her. "You're planning to stop whoever it was that destroyed the Alpha Rune!"

"I'm planning to stop it from getting that far in the first place." Ben said "I've got the Plumbers already sending word about him and he's already guilty of kidnapping charges."

"So what purpose are you even talking to me?" Charmcaster asked putting her chin in her hand.

"Because as I've said your the kind of wild I want in my life." Ben said "But I know eventually I'd get around to dealing with you so since your here..." Ben gave a shrug.

Charmcaster looked down at the white mixture in the cup.

She drank it and her eyes widened.

"Yep still likes ice cream." Ben said.

"So what exactly is different between this branch and yours?" Charmcaster asked looking at the piece of pizza and matching Ben's folding method.

"In this universe my head was splattered by the first Omnitrix being launched to earth." Ben said "Gwen lived 5 years with it on and never ran into a few villians that changed a few things."

"Om-ni-trix." Charmcaster said "So that's the true name of the watch."

"Yeah and word of advice." Ben said "That's little body swap thing you wanna try. Not gonna work on Gwen since her mana spark never happened and if you try it on me that sound you heard in my chest is gonna scan your consciousness the second it's in my head and rip out everything of value then delete the rest."

Charmcaster froze mid bite. "What do you mean 'Of Value'?"

"The thing in my chest will load all your magic knowledge and years of practice into it and then make it so I can turn into a copy of you with ALL your memorized spells as if they were natural Instincts." Ben drank his water.

Charmcaster went pale "Does...Does Gwen's do that?"

"No but now that you mention it I could add that as a safety feature instead of the Universal level self destruct." Ben said as Charmcaster started choking on her pizza.

"The what?!"

"There is enough power in the Omnitrix that if you charge the Self Destruct for 4 days it could rip apart the universe." Ben said as if you were calling grass green.

Helping Gwen 10Where stories live. Discover now