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The Interview

"I'm going to be late!" I screamed at my cat I was frantically trying to get my tights over my legs and get out the door. Today was one of the most important days I could possibly live. I was making my way to Seattle Wastington for a interview with one of the biggest investment companies in Seattle. I could already tell I was way out of line for this job but this is the outcome of drunkenly applying for jobs last weekend.

I pray that all goes well so I can get out of my home town and finally hit the big city. All my friends live in the city and have been begging me for at least a year to come move to Seattle with them but I have refused because of my job situation. I grabbed my phone, keys, and purse then gave Salem a kiss on the head before running out the door. I made my way to my little Subaru and I was on my way to the big city.

I'm lucky that I found a parking spot so quickly if I hadn't I would have been even more late then I already was. I quickly ran along the sidewalk approaching the large skyscraper that danced on the skyline of Seattle. In this moment I regretted planning this outfit with heels because I feel like they are slowing me down more than anything. Everyone around me was bustling in the 9 am city morning. Everything was rushing past me practically knocking me over this city stress was something I'd have to definitely get used to this early in the morning.

I walked through the crowd to what I could only assume was the front desk. It read Hark Investment & Enterprise Group in a modern silver script. I couldn't believe it that I was here for a interview for a receptionist job at one of the biggest investment groups in Seattle. "Can I help you?" A wonder woman behind the desk spoke to me and I stepped up quickly. "I had a 9 am interview with... Mr. Hark" I said and she nodded typing away on her computer.

"What's your name?" She asked coldly without blinding an eye at me. "Denali Cooper" I answered quickly. She wrote down on a business card and handed it to me. "25th floor to the right hand that to the receptionist." She barked and then called onto the next person. I walked towards the elevators reading the card. It read all my information and my appointment time and the floor number. As well as Mr. Harks information and his working hours with his business phone number. That's when I stubbled over my feet and tripped into someone rushing to the elevators as well.

Before I could even look up to meet his eyes I was being yelled at. "What the are you doing? Do you even know who the fuck I am?" I heard a deep voice barking at me. I looked up to meet some hard light brown eyes. The man had longer light brown hair that was tucked behind his ear and he had just a little bit of stumble around his chin. He couldn't have been more then 26 years old by the looks of him."I'm sorry I wasn't looking." I defended but it didn't matter the man straighten his suit jacket and curled his lip. "Clearly. And clearly you're somewhere you don't belong." He said walking off into a different elevator than me.

I piled into a elevator with ten other people and I pressed the button for the 25th floor. The trip up to the floor was lengthy due to everyone getting off and on the elevator. Once the doors opened to the 25th floor I walked out into the lobby of Hark Investments. Th lobby was so quiet you could hear a pin drop from down the hall. The office was decorated in modern furniture in different shades of grey and whites. I walked up to the receptionist and I handed her my card. She didn't say a single word to me as she checked me in which was fine because my attention was pulled towards the coldness of the office environment.

"You can follow me." The woman said to me as she raised from her chair and began walking down the hallway. I followed her without saying a word and we came to a large door and she opened it she waved me into the office. "You can have a seat Mr. Hark will be right with you." She said and I walked into the dark office and sat in one of the leather chair in front of his desk. The office has a coffee table and some leather couches in it. On the desk in front of me laid a brand new MacBook laptop and everything was neatly organized on his desk. Art work of black paint on white canvases decorated the background of his desk.

I heard the door open and heavy foot steps com from behind me. "My apologies for being late as I'm sure you've noticed Monday morning's are not the easiest days we have." Mr. Hark round the desk and sat down his eyes meeting mine. Jesus christ this is embarrassing in front of me was the man that had just cussed me out moments earlier in the lobby of his building. Mr. Hark stared at me frozen for a moment not saying a word I'm sure he was feeling a little embarrassed as well. "But I don't need to tell you that because you already know." He mumbled under his breath opening his laptop.

I sat up a little taller trying to regain my composure. He started typing on his laptop trying to get started for the day. "What's your name?" He asked me making eye contact just long enough for me to answer. "Denali Cooper." He nodded his head and typed away then printed out a few papers laying them on the desk in front of me. "I've read through your resume and you have a business degree from University of Washington. But you have yet to have any true business experience." He said looking over a print out of my resume. " Yes sir. After college I had to move back to Port Angeles with my parents and as I'm sure you know there's not much business to be doing out there."

He scoffed then was quiet for a moment looking over my resume one more time. "Where do you live as of currently?" He questioned me. "I have my own apartment in Port Angeles." I said and he nodded his head at me. "What would you if you did get this job?" He asked and I took in a deep breath. "I've been trying to get a job her in Seattle so I could move I have a lot of close friends here and I've been trying to pursue better options here in the city." I answered him and he nodded putting my resume down and sitting back in my chair. "By the looks of it you're just very under experienced. I think it would be very risky for us to take you on board as my personal receptionist. I need someone that knows what they are doing when they come in here."

"I'm a very quick learner Mr. Hark I wasn't given much of a chance at UW but as you can see on my resume I passed in the top 5 of my class." He shrugged his shoulder at me. "Hark Investments didn't come around because of chance Miss Cooper. It took great work and success to get here where I sit and you just as well as I do that there are better candidates for this job that can jump in here and know what they are doing." I stared a the man he must be cold hearted that the only thing I could think.

"Well my apologies for assuming with my qualifications." I mumbled trying to hold my voice back from cracking. "Well if that is all here Miss Cooper you have a great day." He said turning back to his computer. Is that really it? He judged me upon my resume and practically insulted me then sends me on my way. I slowly stood up and I watched his eyes glance me up and down for a split second. "Goodbye Mr. Hark thank you for your time." I said turning on my heel and walking out of his office. I don't quite know what I expected. I felt foolish for going to the interview now knowing that I probably should've never applied the first place but that sounds like me now doesn't it?

I made my way down to the lobby and I noticed that it was pouring down rain and I forgot to bring a coat with me on this outing. I groaned to myself and I decided that my best option was to carry my heels and run to the car by the street so that's what I did. The second I got in my car and I cranked it turning on the heat my phone rang Ari. I answered immediately knowing exactly what she was going to say. "Congratulation!" She screamed in my ear. "I know for sure my best friend got the job. Me and James are already planning a celebration for tonight for us."

"Ari I didn't get the job." I answered slumping over and putting my forehead on the steering wheel. "What!" She was in disbelief. "What do you mean you didn't get the job?" I shrugged my shoulders knowing she couldn't see me. "I didn't get the job I went the interview and the guy was a complete asshole. He took 2 glances at my resume and told me I didn't have enough experience to work under him." I explained and Ari was quiet for a moment. "I'm so sorry Dani I know you were really looking forward to getting out of Port Angeles." I deeply sighed.

"Oh it's okay Ari working under him would've sucked anyways. Again complete asshole." I answered and I sighed once again. "Ari I gotta go I'm gonna go on home I have to work later today." I said and she said her goodbyes before handing up on me. I drove back to Port Angeles in a sad mood. When I got back to my apartment I check my laptop and I checked my emails of any other jobs wanting do do interviews in the Seattle area. Not one place I applied to reached out to me other then Hark Investments.

I shut my laptop and I groaned to myself Salem came up to me purring and I picked him up and held him close to my chest. "At least you like me buddy." I gave him kisses before putting him down and getting ready for work. After work I came back home and I opened up my very empty fridge and I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I sat on my couch and I decided that drinking was the only fun I was going to have tonight.

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