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The Call




I groaned to myself burying my head deeper into my pillow wishing my alarm would just shut the fuck up.




Jesus I don't want to get up.




"Not you too!" I groaned sitting up and turning off my alarm. Salem was sitting at my feet his tail flicking left and then right. He meows once before walking up my legs and rubbing himself on me. I gave him a pat and got out of bed to feed him. The second I stood my head started to pound and my hand went to my temples. Maybe drinking so much last night wasn't such good idea I thought to myself. I got up and walked into th kitchen and I fed Salem up on the counter petting him. Then I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom so I went to go answer it. The call said 'no caller ID' which was odd but I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" My voice sounded groggy and tired. I looked at the time thinking of how tired I was and it read 8:30am. "I'm looking for Miss Cooper?" A woman voice on the other end asked. "Yes that's me." I said sitting down on the bed and draping the still warm blanket over my shoulders. "This is Hark Investment & Enterprise Group." She stated and I perked up a little bit my heart becoming aware. "Mr. Hark has decided to bring you aboard. What day would be the best for you to come in to finish paper work and start working?" She asked me and I stood up trying to contain myself. "As soon as possible!" I said and I heard her doing some clicking on the computer.

"Does tomorrow morning at 9 am work good for you?" She asked and I agreed she said her goodbye and hung up the phone. I instantly turned around and called Ari. It took 3 tires at her phone to finally get her to answer. "What do you want." She groaned clearly still in bed herself. "Ari you sleepy bitch I got the job!" I said excited and I heard her yawn. "I thought they told you no?" I walked back into the living room and going to my laptop. "They just called they changed their minds I start working tomorrow."I answered That''s when I could tell Ari was truly starting to wake up. "no way!" she screamed excited for me.

"We definitely have to celebrate now Dani!" She said and I smiled going back to the emails from the apartments I applied for in Seattle. "I know! I'm about to go talk to the leasing office of one of these apartments! That means I'll be moving soon!" I said and she squeaked with excitement. "Okay let me get up and get ready I'll get James and we'll plan something for tomorrow night!" She said and I agreed hanging up the phone on her.

I called one of the apartment I applied for and was accepted at. I reserved the apartment and I locked down a move in date 2 weeks out. I can handle driving to Seattle every morning for 2 weeks until I can get everything packed. I looked over at Salem and I smiled at him. "We're moving baby!" I twirled him around and his eyes smiled at me and he started purring.




I shut up my alarm I was too excited to sit through my alarm. I has to be out the door by 7 Am so I could be at work on time. The drive was so far but when I'm making 75,000 + a year gas to get to that job doesn't really bother me. I had my coffee in my hand and I was ready fo ray day are I ran out the door to my car ay 6:45am. I was at the building a little bit before 9am so I had time to get through the 9am rush. I got on the elevator to the 25th floor and I made it just in time.

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