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The Anagapesis

I was late to work the next morning I couldn't seem to wake up. I walked into the office and quickly walked to my desk hoping that Kaiden didn't notice. The second I sat down I heard his voice. "You're late." He said in a deep stern tone I could tell he wasn't happy with me. I turned around to see him leaning in the doorway of his office wi this arms crossed. "I'll excuse it this time but not again." I was speechless at his remark. How could he threaten to punish me and take such drastic measures after how he has been treating me so well.

I guess the question to Ari's has been answered. No it wasn't special enough for it to be something. "Yes sir I'm s-sorry." I stumbled over my words I was not confident in them whatsoever. "I have a meeting in 20 minutes I don't have time to talk about this right now." He said returning back to his office without shutting he door. I clocked into the computer and I began to read through emails from the weekend. "Can you please for the love of God get me Brenner's number on paper." He said walking back out of his office and beginning to put on his tie. I noticed that around his neck he had a necklace with a ring on it. 

He hid it under his shirt as he began to tying his tie. That's when I realized I had jus been staring at him thinking. "Now please Jesus Christ do I have to do everything myself." He said and without a word I turned to my computer and I looked in my email to find a email from Mr. Brenner with what looked like some statistics. I hit print and Kaiden grabbed them off my printer before I could get to them. "Are you okay?" I asked in a calm tone. I was curious as to what could possibly have him acting out in this way. 

"No I'm not I come in and everything in my schedule is fucked up. I have people missing meetings and paperwork. None of my clients have sent me a my monthly update and apparently they didn't get the email that my receptionist was supposed to send last Monday." He explained to me and my heart sank a little bit. "I'm sorry you weren't in the office all of last week nor did you respond to any of my questions about your schedule for this week. You just told me to move them all to this week so I used your clients schedules." I defended myself and he growled lowly under his breath. "Well maybe know how to do your job better." He hissed at me and I gasped at him. 

"What happened to the nice Kaiden I saw last week?" I asked him and he scoffed under his breath stapling the papers together. "You caught me in a weak moment and I over shared." He said looking me straight in my eyes and I stared a him a little hurt by his words. "Be careful Mr. Hark make sure to taste your words before you spit them out." I replied in a stern tone fed up with his attitude. He stared a tie for a second taken back by my words now. "We have a meeting to get to Denali-" I cut him off standing and grabbing my items for the meeting. "Ms. Cooper to you." I said maneuvering around him and walking ahead to the meeting room. 

I opened the door for Mr. Hark and he walked in not giving me a single glance. We walked in and there sat Mr. Brenner he stood with a smile on his face. "Kaiden! Nice to see you I hope you had a good week off." Mr. Hark shook his hand having no emotion in his face. "Good is not what you would call it but I'll make do." Mr. Brenner looked at me and I saw a sparkle in his eye. He reached his hand out to me and I shook it. "Jacob Brenner CEO of Brenner Corp." He introduced himself and I nodded my head once not having any emotion in my face either. I was upset still from me and Kaiden's interaction moments prior.

"Denali Cooper. Mr. Hark's latest receptionist." I said feeling so minor compared to his high position. "Astounding! Well Hark what do you need to talk about." Mr. Hark sat down throwing the small stack of paper I printed at Mr. Brenner. "You're missing 3 million dollars out of your account." He said and Mr. Brenner slowly sat down in his chair looking at the papers. I went to take a seat beside Mr. Hark but he held a hand up to me telling me not to. "We won't be here long just stand." He said looking at me and I glared at him he was being an asshole. I bit my tongue anyways and stood beside Mr. Hark with my hands crossed in front of me.

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