Chapter 2

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''No.'' I said and he looked me confused.

''I mean, you got someone wrong.'' I said avoiding his eyes. Please please.

''Oh, sorry. You just reminded me of someone.'' Niall said. I didn't answer, I just kept looking at the ground while breathing out in relief.

''Look at me.'' He said calmly, but I didn't look at him. I just kept looking at the ground

''Sorry, I've to go.'' I said quickly and ran away. I could hear him calling after me, but I didn't turn around. It's a big chance he will recognize me.

I went straight home. Opened my door and locked while breathing slowly.

Why is he here? Did he found me? He sure did recognize me.

No no no no!

What if he knows about me? What will Micheal say then?

I sighed. And went to my room, I decided to take a nap, it was like 11 pm so it wouldn't matter.

I jumped on my bed and fell asleep quickly with all my clothes on.


My phone rang loudly, causing me to jolt up and hit my head in the corner on my bed.

Ugh, who is calling me now?! I asked myself while rubbing the spot I hit.

''Hello?'' I said with my sleepy voice, stifling a yawn.

''Hey, Sara, I need you to come to the Catwalk center now!'' James said in panic.

''Woah, now? Why?'' I asked confused and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

''Some of the girls got sick and I need some back up! Could you ..?'' James said slowly

''James, no! I can't! I'm not even ready, I-'' I started to say but he cut me off.

''You'll do it? Great!! Thank you babe and see you about 30 minutes!'' He said happily and hang up.

''I didn't agree with you!'' I say to the phone knowing already he wouldn't hear me.

I groaned and rolled off the bed. I looked at the clock, 4 pm. I slept long time, wow.

I took a quick shower to feel fresh. After that I applied some make up, only mascara, foundation and lip gloss. I will apply more when I come to the Catwalk center.

I can't believe I'm going down the catwalk today! I've done it before, yeah, but I want to be prepared! Is a part of my job so I guess I will be fine.

I grabbed my bag, phone and keys and drove right to the Catwalk center.


More than usual, hmm strange.

I made my way to backstages to find James.

''Yay you came!'' He said and hugged me.

''Thank you so so so much!'' He said with a big smile.

''No problem, so whats the theme?'' I asked and he told me what to wear and stuff.

I went to the dressing room and took my cloths on. It was summer theme, with short dresses with flowers and all. I really liked my outfit. Mine was a short white dress with red flowers who went down to above my knees. I had my white toms on as well, and my hair was straight.

Now its my turn to walk down the catwalk. I took deep breath and went out.

I walked in a normal tempo, not to fast and not to slow. Camera flashing everywhere. I love this!

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