Chapter 1

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Wey Hey! :)

This is a sequel to Hidden! You probably want to read that first before you read this! 

Or else you won't understand a thing!

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting my story! Truly means alot!



Like I always say; Stay strong, Stay Happy...Stay sexxyyy ;)

- Isa


''Okay, one last shot and we're done for now.'' My photographer said pointing the camera at me. I did what he said and posed at camera once again

''You were incredible, Sara! Like always!'' He said and clapped excitedly. I smiled widely feeling proud.

''Thanks, James, see you on Friday!'' I said and literally run to my dressing room

You're probably confused now, I can understand so let me tell you what happened

First of all, I'm a model, a supermodel. Yeah I know, how did that happen, may you ask?

Well, after I went with Micheal that day, he told me his plan who was a big shocker for me.

I was going to be a model for his Fashion Company who was big for some odd reason, I didn't know Michael owned a fashion company, but you never know Michael.

I moved to Cardiff, Wales. I needed to get away from England. Too many memories who I couldn't live with.

And oh, you're probably wondering why my name is Sara. I changed it, I want to start over again. I don't want to live in my past anymore, so I've totally changed myself. I dyed my light brown hair, to dark brown, almost black. Its longer than before, I've also changed my image. My personality is different, I'm completely a different person now and to be honest I like it.

And what about the boys and Eva? I haven't heard a thing about them since that day, not even a pip. I mean I see One Direction everywhere, it's too hard to avoid them since they are famous.

I promised Micheal not to have contact with them, and I won't. I won't be a bother in their life anymore, i brought mess into their lives, one of them nearly dead because of me and I won't allow myself to bring such a drama into their lives ever again, its for the best.

For now, I'm happy. I love my life, Micheal gave me this life. Can you believe that? My enemy gave me the life I wanted? I've always dreamt of this life and the last person I expected gave me this life.

Yeah, there is a catch though. I'm his slave. That's all I dislike about this new life. I've to kiss him, cuddle, serve him whenever he wants, even though I don't like it, but I've too.

Its a way of thanking him for what he did for me, i mean c'Mon, he gave me my dream life, But apart from that slave thing , my life was perfect and I want it to continue like that. No love triangle and no One Direction.

I changed my clothes to dark blue skinny jeans and a black top. I took on my white toms, grabbed my bag from the table and went off the building.

It was a sunny day, so I decided to walk home, not wanting to bother the driver.

I was walking and and looking around me when I suddenly pumped into hard wall, or chest.

''I'm sorry, I-'' I started to say when I saw the most beautiful blue eyes ever, and who they belonged to. My mouth gaped in shock and I felt a huge twist in my stomach. Oh my god.

''Natalie?'' He asked in surprise, his face expression mirroring mine.

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