A Swordsman fights with all the colours!

Start from the beginning

"Alright, guess we'll be able to get him tomorrow," Ryan said

At Victor

He's in a place where he recollected where he and his brother once played in their childhoods. It's a playground in a mansion that was once own by their family but now has been abandoned and rotting from the outside and inside

Victor is waiting for someone to show up themselves, "Where are you at! I know you're here! Don't try and be quirky by not showing up!" He shouted

Nothing is heard after that, no answer, no noise, he knew that person is playing around with him by not answering or responding

"This is exactly why father chose me as the heir to the throne. And another reason why he didn't choose you despite being his biological son," Victor said

Then, he heard the swing starts making a noise. Victor turned his head to see it was Storious in the swing

"There you are you f###head, you'd think you're special you asshole," he said to him but Storious stayed silent while looking at him, "Oh wow look at you, still doing that staring habits without saying anything, very disciplined of you, you f###### bastard,"

"Hmph... You're still yourself even after all those years..." Storious said

"The hell does that mean? That is your f###### fault for making this behaviour from myself because of you," he responded

"Wouldn't expect you to keep that sailor mouth of yours after being brought back," Storious replied

"Don't you think that's the reason why you didn't get choose to be the heir? Because I can see why," Victor said

"No, it was because of you that made my life much more difficult," he replied

"Oh now you're playing victim. Are you going to talk about how you were a prodigy?" He asked

"That's right, before you were adopted to my family, I used to be a prodigy learning every skill I can for when I become the next heir," Storious replied

"Oh please, don't try to sugar coat everything in your perspective by trying to be the victim. I knew for the fact that you cause the tragedy from 3 years ago that killed everyone!" Victor said

"If you knew, why didn't you try to stop me?" Storious asked

"At that time, I don't have any powers to accuse someone and making them be on my side, so I can't do anything to stop you that day," he responded

"Very well... And that's what happened to me earlier," he said

"Heh, try making those stories into sad ones so I don't give a flying f### about them," Victor said

"After you got adopted, my life turns upside down. My father whom see my skill as impressive, only focus his attention to your little weak ass that can't do anything. And he has the audacity to decided to make you the heir instead of me, doesn't that sound fair?" Storious responded

"Fair? You call that fair to you? That isn't how it plays out that day," Victor said

"You're right, history is written by the victors after all. So it doesn't show the full picture of what the other side is saying," Storious replied

"The irony behind it that the way you abuse your power. You think that abusing your power makes father proud?" Victor asked

"It's the only way to show father my great power to control armies whenever if there's war," he replied

"War? Since when do you think the war ever started in this modern age? You are just only abusing the power anyway, you're the one that's gonna cause another war," Victor responded

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