Chapter Thirty Two

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"You will be dead," I whisper through trembling lips.

I whisper because even I cannot believe I would say something like that.

I've been pushing it away. I've been making up excuses. I started a war within me against it. Against him. But with every action from him to me, I find my resolve weakening. Now I'm crippled. Weak knees and spine.

"And you don't want that?" I shake my head to answer him instead, unable to say more.

He's what changed. I don't want him dead. Not in the way he'll be dying this Friday. I know he signed his death warrant when he accepted the job. But I don't want him dead, especially if he will make sure I walk out of the mist alive.

When I drew the plan and asked Gael to look out for a bodyguard, Gael had said it was impossible to see someone who'd do that.

Impossible because we're not going in with backups and no one would willingly sign any contract that is boldly written that there's a ninety percent chance of them dying.

It took over a year for Gael to give me feedback. I had almost given up hope and kept increasing the fee which made it all the more dangerous and scared people away from it.

When Gael told me he found someone, I was waiting to see someone almost dying and trying to make money for his family. I didn't expect to see him.

Never would I have thought a man like him would show up in my office. But he did. And every single minute from that day he's been showing up.

Protecting me from both external forces and myself. Playing shield even in cases I feel I don't require one. Holding tightly even as I the warrior wielding it hold carelessly.

"Where's the woman I met at the elevator?" He chuckles.

I've never heard him make that sound before and I want to explore it. I want to know how many more of that sound he can make and how loud can he get. How long can he keep the sound?

"She couldn't find the man at the elevator anymore" I'm tipping on my toes now, trying to reach for his lips.

That man in the elevator turned out to be a disguise.

When you search for answers in the universe, you will find them. Sometimes not how you imagined it will show up, and not where. Most of the time it doesn't look like what you had imagined. But it will show up.

I was searching for someone I could trust aside from Gael, to take this mission like their own and he was the answer I got.

"I'm not deserving of your compassion Heaven" his words whiff softly past my lips. That kiss-ready breath brush roughly against my lips. Our lips are so close that if I tip a bit I can catch his lips with my teeth.

"If I have any will over it, you won't be having it" which is true.

I will fight him hard to keep him out. I have been trying to.

He studies me for a while then his lips part, curving into a smile. Boyish cheeks dented smile, that lights up his eyes and my heart.

Gush he looks like a dream. The kind you never want to wake up from. The kind that makes you question what is reality and if you want reality at all.

He moves his mouth away to plant a kiss on my forehead. And like a pipe, the kiss sucks me dry of my restraint. Sucks me dry of the guilt I feel. Helena will kill me. Javier will kill himself. Gael will be torn apart. My empire will be disappointed in me and lose every respect they have for me. Everything is glaring, but I'm blurring them out.

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