5 Shopping

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I wake up and find myself in his arms. I smile slightly then get out of his soft grip. "Good morning Michael". He groans, "Mhh good morning".
I walk downstairs and wait for him in the kitchen. I watch him slender his way into the kitchen, he yawns "I'll make food right away". "No hurry" I smile at him.

We eat our breakfast and I look at him, "Michael". "Yeah?". "I don't wanna ask but, if we're gonna go to court, I have to look appropriate.. I don't even have any clothes now". "Oh yeah, I can take you to the mall". "But I have literally 0 dollars to my name". "Sorry, I meant, 'I' will take you to the mall. I want you to choose as many clothes as you want". I stare at him totally flabbergasted, "but-". "I won't take no for an answer, you've been through a lot, I want you to be happy". I sigh, "Fine.. Only because you've been so nice to me though".

-later today-
-at the mall-

"Here we are, pick what you want" he smiles. I sigh again, "I don't want to waste your money though..". "(Y/n), I told you I don't accept a no, I have enough money, go get what you want". "Fine.. let's go in there first" I say and we walk to a shop.

I grab a couple of clothes and walk to the fitting rooms. Michael sits on a bench in front of it. I close the curtain and change into a pretty red dress. Wow, it fits me kinda well. I open the curtain, "What do you think?". He looks up at me and I see his face flush, "I- uhm, you look absolutely stunning". I smile, "Thank you" I blush back at him.

I try on a couple of other clothes then walk back out. "Can I get all these?". "Sure, let's go" he gets up and we walk to the register. I watch him buy a bag full of clothes for me. Omg he's so sweet and nice, I literally can't. He puts his card back into his wallet then grabs the bag, "Where do you wanna go next?". "You want me to get more?". "Yeah sure". I look at him shocked.

We walk into Victoria's Secret and I choose a couple of bra's and underwear. I see him blush, I wonder why? We walk to the register and he buys me my stuff again. "Where else?" he asks. "Well, if I'm allowed, could I get some beauty products?". "Yes of course". I smile and we walk into another shop.

I grab a basket, Hairbrush, Shampoo, Deodorant, Period products and some make up. "I think that's it yeah". "Great, let me buy those for you" he smirks and grabs the basket out of my hands. I smile back and follow him. He buys them and we walk out of the store. "I think I have everything now, thank you so much for buying all of these things for me" I smile brightly. "No problem, are you hungry?" he says looking at his watch. "Kind of". "McDonald's?". "Sure" I smile.

-eating at McDonald's (not sponsored *cries*)-

He sits opposite me, my god this feels like  a date. I blush. He's so nice to me.. He's so sweet and caring. Plus he's hella handsome. Omg why do I fall in love so quickly. "Everything okay?". "Y-yes! Totally". He looks at me raising an eyebrow. "Okay fine, I'm just, happy. I've just never felt this safe with someone before..". He smiles, "I'm glad I make you feel safe".


I change into the pyjamas I got:

And walk back to the living room

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And walk back to the living room. Michael looks over at me and blushes, "W-wow you look beautiful". "Thank you" I smile nervously. I sit next to him on the couch. "Tomorrow we'll have to talk with the lawyer again and deliver the evidence". "Okay, when?". "After lunch". I nod, "Okay, I had so much fun today with you, I totally forgot about the court thing" I giggle slightly. He laughs, "Even though I just held all of the bags for you I had fun as well".
We both sit on his bed, "Michael?". "Yes?". "Can we like, talk more? I want to get to know you a little better". "Yes sure, I'd like to know you better too" he smiles. "Well, what's your favourite color?". "Red, yours?". "(your fav color)". "That's a nice color". "What do you like in women?". "Oh uhm, I didn't expect that" he blushes. "S-sorry you don't need to answer, I was just curious".

"No it's fine uhm, I like when they don't use me for my money, I want them to be real, caring, loving, kind and have a big heart. I don't really care about looks to be honest" he smiles. He likes all that? Wow, he's like, perfect.. "Since you asked me this, what do you like in a man?". I snap out of it, "Well, I want them to be nice to me, treat me right, I want them to protect me and don't take advantage of me, I just want someone who's funny you know? Someone caring, nice, sweet and handsome, like y-" I throw my hands to my mouth. He blushes and giggles,"like?". "Like uhm, like uh- uhm--"

I lay my head in my hands embarrassed. "Hey it's okay" he giggles, "Let's just head to bed alright?". I nod and cuddle myself under his blanket and he gets up, "You're sleeping here again?" he smiles. "I mean, I can leave if you want me to, I just like it more here". "No you can stay, I'm just gonna go change real quick".

He walks back wearing a shirt and some boxers and walks over to his side of the bed. He gets under the blanket and I scoot a bit closer to him. He turns around and faces me, "Good night, (y/n)" he smiles. "Good night Michael" I smile back and he lays his arms over me carefully again.

He's so sweet..

Michael Jackson x abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now