2 Getting Help

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-At Michael's house-

He kicks his shoes off and I do so too, I then follow him to the living room. It looks so nice here. "You can sit on the couch and take the red blanket next to you while I make some tea, what kind of tea would you like?" he says walking towards his kitchen. "(tea you like), please". "Okay". I look around me and grab the fluffy red blanket next to me. I snuggle myself into it, I can't remember the last time someone treated me so nicely..

He comes back with the tea and hands it to me, "Here you go, it's still a bit hot so try not to burn your tongue" he says and sits down on the couch diagonally from me. "So tell me about yourself". "I actually love tea". "Oh really? Lucky guess" he giggles. "There's not really much to say about me to be honest". "Well, you could tell me how you got into that mess you're in right now, but only if you feel comfortable of course". "Well, me and my boyfriend Daniel, we met a couple years ago, I thought he was really sweet, he treated me nice at first but that faded quickly.. He started hitting me daily and raping me almost every night, no matter if I was sleeping or not. He would hit me if I didn't get a beer for him quick enough and stuff like that. But I never told anyone because of all of his threats..". "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry for you that sounds absolutely terrible, what kind of threats?" he looks at me rather curiously. "Well, he's a cop.. if I were to say anything, no one would believe me". "So basically, he's not just abusing you but also the power his job holds..". I simply nod and take a sip of my tea.

"I know some pretty good lawyers that could help you". "Wait, really? But I don't have the money and I have nowhere to go..". "I can pay! If you want to you can also stay here" he smiles. I stare at him in shock, "Really?". He nods and smiles, "Yes, I really wanna help". "Oh- okay then, thank you so much, but, isn't that too much? ". "No, not at all" he smiles. "Okay, I guess I'll take the help then, thank you so unbelievably much" I tell him. "No problem. I now know what you've been through, you can sleep in the guest room, you'll be alone in there and you can even lock the door if you feel safer that way". "Oh, that's perfect thank you". He's so nice, he remembered.. "Okay great, I'll get the bed ready real quick, you can stay here in the meantime" he says and walks off.

He's so nice. But what if I won't win in court? What if I'll end up back with him somehow? What if he will stalk me after we're done? I curl myself under the blanket and try to calm down. Overthinking  isn't gonna get me anywhere, remember that (y/n). I calm down my breathing, when Michael comes back in the room. "Hey, is everything alright?". I get up and take a deep breath, "Yes, I'm fine". He looks at me unsure, "Alright if you say so. You can follow me to your room now". I nod and walk behind him.

"Okay so this is your room, I put one of my t-shirts on the bed for you if you want to change". "Thank you, that's really nice". "No problem, you also have a bathroom for yourself" he says pointing towards it. "Oh, thank you so much". "Well, if there's anything you need, my room is not far, just down the hallway". "Okay, I'll let you know". "Great, goodnight (y/n)". "Goodnight". Michael closes the door and I walk over to lock it with the key that's lying on a drawer next to it. I look at the shirt and change into it, it's like a dress on me. I fold my clothes and lay them on the floor beside the bed. I get under the blankets and slowly fall asleep.

-next morning-

I wake up and unlock my door. I step into the hallway, it's awfully quiet, I don't think he's awake yet. I walk down the hall and knock on his door, then open it. "Michael?" I whisper, "Are you awake?". He rubs his eyes, "Yes what's up?" he groans. "I'm hungry and I wanted to know when you were gonna wake up". "Ah okay, I'll be right there" he says and sits up. He looks at me and smiles, "My shirt looks cute on you". "T-Thanks" I giggle nervously and smile. I close the door and walk to the kitchen. I lean against the counter and grab my phone, oh no..

*37 missed calls from Daniel*

I panic and just put it in my pocket again. Michael walks down the stairs and seems to see me worried. "Hey, are you okay?". I shake my head, "He called me 37 times, I'm scared". "Don't worry, you're safe here, we'll get you a lawyer today alright?". "Okay" I nod and he goes to make us breakfast.

We sit at the table and eat. Suddenly my phone rings, I take it out, "It's him again..". Michael reaches his hand out to me and I give him my phone, he picks up,

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, COME HOME RIGHT NOW OR THINGS ARE GONNA BE BAD" Daniel yells so loud I can hear him as well.

"You listen here, she's not coming home, the only time you'll ever see her again is in court".

"HAH! Yeah right, what are you? One of her stupid friends or like a lawyer? No one can win against me" he laughs.

"We'll see about that, you'll be contacted the information" Michael says and hangs up.

He hands me the phone. I just stare at him in shock, "Thank you". "No problem, after we eat we're gonna go get you a good lawyer alright?". I nod and continue to eat.

Michael Jackson x abused ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin