3 Lawyers

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I put my plate in the sink and so does he. "Okay, you can go get ready, so we can find you a lawyer". I smile, "Okay" and walk to my room. Alright then. I put on my clothes and walk into the bathroom, look myself in the mirror. I forgot to take my makeup off yesterday. Should I take it off? It'll probably be more believable. I'm just gonna take it off.


I walk out and see Michael ready at the door, waiting for me. His smile turns to a frown when he sees my scars and bruises. "Oh my.. He did all that to you?". I nod and put on my shoes. "Let's go and make him never see you again". I smile slightly and follow him to the car.

-(bare with me I've never been to court or have any experience on how this works)-

"Hello Mr. Jackson, how may I help you?" a guy says to him. "Yes, my friend here needs a good lawyer, she's a victim of verbal and physical abuse". "I see, we'll be right with you". Michael and I sit in the waiting room, "Mr. Jackson, we're ready for you now" someone calls. We get up and walk into a room, we sit at the table along with a lawyer. "Greetings, how may I be able to help?". I look at Michael and he starts to talk for me, "She needs help to get rid of her abuser". "I see, what kind of abuse?". "Verbal and physical". "Alright, how long has this person done this for and who are they?" she says taking notes. "His name is Daniel Grey, he's been abusing me for 5 years now" I tell and then look down. "Okay, if you could get pictures or other types of evidence to prove you're situation please provide it here until next week". "Okay I will". "Well, see you next week then, have a good day" she says and leaves. We leave as well and he drives home.


We both sit on the couch, I'm so nervous, I start fidgeting with my fingers. "What's wrong?" Michael asks. "I just, what if we loose in court? What if he will abuse me again? I'm so scared of him, I don't even want to see him in court". "(Y/n), calm down. Everything's gonna go great, you have one of the best lawyers I know and your ex will never lay a finger on you ever again, I'll make sure of it". "Thank you..". I grab a blanket and cuddle myself in it. I fall into a light sleep almost right away.
I move around then open my eyes. Where am I? I'm in my room, did he carry me here? Oh no, I lift up the blanket but gasp as I see that I'm still in the clothes I've worn before. He.. He didn't take advantage of me..? I get up and walk back to the living room, "Oh you're awake, it's 3pm already, if you're hungry there's still food on the stove". He cooked food? Usually I have to do that.. I walk to the kitchen and grab a plate.

I eat the food then place my dish in the sink and start washing up, Michael walks towards me, "What are you doing?". "Washing the dishes" Oh you don't need to do that, I'll do it later". "Wait- really?". He nods.


"Hey (y/n), wanna get some evidence together?" he asks. I nod, "Sure". "Okay, may I take pictures of your scars and bruises?". He's so polite.. "Yes, you can". "Thank you, if you could just move over to that wall over there". I walk to the wall and he grabs a camera. He takes pictures of my face and arms. "Did he bruise you anywhere else?". I look down, "..yes.. But I can't let you take pictures in those places..". I see him frown and set the camera down, "I'm so sorry..". "It's fine.. I guess..".

He prints the photos and puts them into a folder. "Do you have any evidence on your phone maybe?". "I can look". I grab my phone and look through it. "I have a couple voice messages where he's abusive in?". "That's perfect, make sure you don't loose them". "There are also some videos I took secretly". "Even better" he smiles, "Wanna follow me to my office?". "Sure".
"May I grab your phone? I need to move the videos and voicemails on a USB stick". I nod and hand him my phone. He connects it to his PC and starts looking for the files. He clicks on a couple videos then moves them onto the USB stick. After that he also copies some of the voicemails on it. He unplugs my phone and hands it back to me, "There you go, all done". "Thank you, thank you so much for helping me". He notices the tears forming in my eyes, "Hey, hey, it's fine.. I'm here for you okay?".


We both sit on the couch next to each other and watching TV. *DING* I look over at my phone, I pick it up:

*7 new messages from Daniel*

I open them


I breathe in heavily. Michael looks over at me, "What's wrong?". "He's mad.." I mumble and show him my phone. He reads the messages, "Oh my god.." he puts the phone aside and hugs me carefully, "Don't worry.. You're safe with me, I'll protect you okay?". "O-okay, thank you Michael". "No problem". He let's go of me, want to finish what we're watching then go to bed? I nod and we continue watching.

"Alright, if you need anything you can always let me know okay? Goodnight (y/n)" he smiles. "I will, goodnight Michael". We both walk into our rooms. I lock my door and flop onto the bed. I hope he doesn't find me..

I fall fast asleep...

Michael Jackson x abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now