love you too

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Since we don't know what happened to Ava after the last episode we're gonna pretend she came back and is with bea in Switzerland...

Pov: omnicient

Beatrice doesn't know when it happened or why it did but she did know she had to get used to it because it was not going away.

« I love you »

That's what Ava said to her before passing trough the arc. Even though the chances the halo bearer heard her say it back are almost non existant, Beatrice likes to think she did but just to make sure..

- I love you too, says Beatrice looking at her sleepy girlfriend in their queen sized bed
- I know, says Ava while slowly oppening her eyes, you told me 3 years ago.
- 3 years ago?!?
- Well yeah. How much was it for you?
- 2 weeks. The timeline must be different on the other side.
- Yeah I guess, you're lucky . I really fucking missed you.
- Ava! Language!
- Sorry.
- It's ok. I missed you too. Now get up your shift starts in a hour!

Ava gets up and goes to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee while Beatrice just stands there, watching the love of her life do one of the most basic things she could be doing and still finding her amazingly beautiful.

- Babe? Says Ava with a sound of guilt in her voice.
- Yes love?
- I think I broke it...
- Again? Answers Beatrice while going towards Ava and her mess.

After taking a look at the coffee machine Beatrice asks ava for a screwdriver and the concerned one sprints trough the house to get her one.

45 minutes later, under the amazed eyes of Ava, the one that used to be called a nun had not only fixed the engine but also cleaned every inch of it. After all this mechanic, Ava was running late.

- Bye Bea, i'll get a coffee on my way to the bar. Says Ava leaning in to kiss her girlfriend, sorry again about the coffee thingie.
- It's ok, it wasn't that hard to fix, lets out Beatrice with a smile.
- love you.
- love you too.

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