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Inside her leathery prison, Aconite awoke startled by what was happening. She looked up at the tiny cracks of light that peaked through the opening. Desperately, she stood up and tried to reach her escape, but it was useless. The junk in the pouch caused her to get toppled over, and the boy's movements were so rickety it was like standing on a wave-battered vessel.
Eventually, she gave up. She sank to the bottom and silently wept, stifling any loud noises from her mouth. She thought of all the awful things that had happened to her fellow nymphs. Their blood was used for god-slaying weapons, forcing them to say their name so they could do whatever the humans wanted, heads for trophies. Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud creak of a door opening. Simon placed the bag on a hook above the stove, unannounced to the man. Their voices carried on some obscure conversation, and after thirty minutes, all went silent. This was the perfect opportunity for Aconite to escape. She jumped just high enough for her fingers to reach the opening. Then, she hoisted herself up,  finally reaching her head out.
From her view, she could see the entire house, and it seemed so inconceivably monstrous that it had to be some horrible nightmare. The coast was clear. She crawled out of the bag, placing her feet on the button that closed it. She looked down and noted the humongous soup pot ready to be cooked. Carefully, she reached over towards the hook; if she managed to grab it, she could escape to a nearby shelf. Her reach wasn't quite far enough, and she hobbled over to jump to it. In one swift motion, she completely missed.
Aconite's mind raced as she fell from such an immense height. She prayed to whatever deity could hear her- or even one that cared- that this wouldn't be her end. Her body hit the water harshly, and panic quickly followed. While nymphs had a strong connection with water allowing them to hold their breath for a long time and other properties, this was dangerous.
The vegetables and herbs bumped against her body as she frantically swam toward the end. Her fingers dug into the side, immediately burning her.
She thought to herself as she winced, pulling back immediately. That's when the sound started.

It sounded like thunder but more consistent. The sound shook Aconite to her core as she knew what followed after this. A terrible monster who'd gobble her up in one bite, an ugly beast who'd use her precious blood for their selfish gain. While she had decided to help the boy, she had no interest in the man. With nowhere left to go, she ducked into the water, trying to stay hidden by the plants m floating on the top. His footsteps got closer, and the pot began to move. He was preparing supper! A wooden spoon stuck into the pool and began to stir. Aconite frantically tried to avoid it but was swept into its whirl. The spices began infiltrating her mouth and eyes, causing a burning sensation. She could not take it anymore. Her head appeared above the water, and she gasped for air. The stirring suddenly stopped, and the man yelled, falling backward onto his bum.
"What the hell?!" He screamed. Recklessly, Aconite tried to crawl out of the side. It was her only option. Either she had to face this beast and reveal her powers, which would anger him, or she could do her best to escape. As she crawled against the side, her skin began to blister. Every touch felt like fire being placed against her delicate lavender skin, but she had to keep going. She had almost done it when she noticed the looming hand from behind. Tears streamed down her face as the world moved in slow motion. There was nothing she could do.
His hand pried her off the side. His rough leathery palms held her in a harsh grip.
"A nymph?! Good gods!" He squinted his eyes closed. Aconite stared into the pools of green. It was a horrific sight, like the one of the leviathan's gaze emerging from the dark ocean's abyss, but also a gorgeous one. Her body shook with fear as her life came crumbling down into pieces.
"How did you get here?" His voice became sterner, but all Aconite could do was look up at him with watery eyes.
"I won't let you hurt my family or me." His grip tightened, and she squeaked, trying to squirm out of his hand. Aconite finally gained the courage to speak.
"Please, no! It was a simple mistake! Swear! I wouldn't-" Aconite yelled.
The man interrupted, "Oh? Of course, it was! Because your kind is only known for one thing, death. Your species struck the most benevolent gods for power." He scoffed.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I-" Suddenly, the hand swept her into a glass container. Aconite cried, begging him to stop.
"Please! I found your boy resting by the creek! I only wanted to help! I swear! I swear!" She cried. "No! No!"
His fist slammed against the counter, causing her to cover her head instinctively.
"Enough. I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning."  He walked away, leaving her to sob in her wet clothes. She was captured again.

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