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    As we all sat down tired and drained as shit I got a text from Kaleb.

7821 benton st 1 hr.

I turn my phone off and look to see Davina but she isn't there. I ask the two love birds right bedside me where she went and they said to get some cotton candy.

30 minutes go by and Davina is no where in sight. We checked the stand where she was but no sign of her. Panic and anger start to rise in me. I call her phone multiple times as I found the corner I see two cotton candy sticks on the ground.

As I go closer to take a better look I see a familiar gold heart necklace.


It's been hours HOURS she's been missing. I've texted everyone all the guys everyone I could think of. I put her gold heart necklace in my pocket and I haven't stopped running my finger of the necklace.

My brain has thought of all the worst things possible.

I hope my Davina is okay.

We all met up back at the hotel, Mia has been off the walls, threatening everyone she's going crazy. Hell we all are going crazy.

    Where could she be.

    My brain took me back a couple days ago where I picked her up at Spikes house she looked like a mess and terrified.

    She wouldn't speak about it, and I didn't push her to tell me, maybe he has something to do with this.

   I pulled Kaleb and Jay aside and told them what happened that night and they are most certain Spike and his filthy gang has something to do with this.

    "Okay people gather up we have a plan, Idk if you'll like it though."

    "Just tell us the freaking plan who cares if we don't like it, ITS DAVINA WERE TALKING ABOUT" Mia shouted at me.

Jackson pulled her aside and comforted her as she cried on his shoulder.


Davina pov:

    It's dark.

    I can't see anything.

    It smells like metallic and sweat.

    My eyes adjust to the dark and it looks like i'm in a cell?

    I can hear faint noises of pleads.

    Women to be exact.

    "Please! No! Help!"

    Where the fuck am I?

    I try to get up but my hands are in cuffs?

Wtf. My eyes have fully adjusted to the dark and i'm laying on a bed with my hands and legs cuffed in a cell.

I look across from me to see other women in the same condition as I am. Waking up confused as hell.

I try to remember how this happened, how I got here but my brain is a haze.

I then feel the bed move a bit, I look to my left and see another women in my cell. It looks like she's waking up.

"Hey where am I" I whisper to her

"Hell if I know" she says monotone

She looks at her nails as if she's bored, that makes me wonder has she been here for a long time?

"How long have you been here" I ask her quietly

"I can't tell, but I know it's been a few weeks" she says her tone laced with sadness.

    "What's your name?" she asks

    I freeze. What's my name. Think hard. What is it.

    "It's okay if you don't remember it took me a few days for my memory to come back. I heard the stuff they use to drug us is a powerful drug that wipes your memory for a few days." she says.

    Well shit. I lean against the wall and stare off into the blue trying my best to remember anything.


    I then hear keys jingle and a door opening.

I hear women whimper as the footsteps get louder and louder.

The girl in my cell straightens and her face becomes hard like anger boiling up.

The footsteps stop at my cell and I can faintly see the person. It's a tall man.

The girl quietly whimpers and moves towards the corner of the wall. I just sit there. I don't know what's to come so I don't know.

He opens the door and walks right up to me grabs my arm roughly and unlocks my chains with a key.

   I don't say anything because what would I say? I don't even know who I am, and I don't know what kind of people I'm dealing with.

    He says get up and I get up.

    "You'll be fun" he says chuckling darkly.

    I don't know what he means by that.

    He takes me out the doors and it takes some time for my eyes to adjust to the light.

    "Don't speak unless your spoken too little one okay?" The tall man says


    He takes me to a room and opens the door and in this room is a group of men. Scary looking men.

   I remain silent unless spoken too and a blank face.

   There are two men looking at me with a shocked and sad face I don't know why but I don't keep eye contact with them I stare straight at the wall.

   I don't know what's going on, but I know none of this is good.

   Please help.


A/N: Hey guys it's been a minute sorry! I hope this isn't too much for some of you guys. I put a TW before anything dark happens! Hope you enjoyed :)


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