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Once we got in Spike's car This fire by killswitch engage starts playing and he races down the path towards their house.

He's hitting way past 100 and I have no fear in the world. I open the sunroof and stick my head and wave my hands out.

I scream at the top of my lungs. Loving the adrenaline rush, I hear Spike chuckle in his seat while his hand is on my thigh steadying me.

"Wow, the place still looks the same," I say as I lay on the huge fluffy couch in their living room.

I never knew racing could pay off this much. They have a massive house with a lot of maids because they are lazy asses.

"Yea Spike would kill anyone who tried to change it up a bit...literally, especially your room," Luke whispers the last part while putting my legs on his lap so he could sit.

They still have my room the way it was?

When Nate use to take me to the races here in New York we would always crash at the boy's house and they let me decorate my room, even paint it.

"So where's the puppy?" I ask

"Ouu right CHEW BARKA COME HEREEEEEE" Luke yells at the top of his lungs.

"Jesus Luke don't yell" I hit his chest.

"Owwww Spike she hit mee" He whines like a baby.

How did I put up with him all those years.

"Luke fuck off" Spike barks at him. Hahahah.

A huge great Dane comes running out of a room at full speed.

Holy sh- "CHEW BARKA STOPPPP" Tyler yells until it's too late.


We all start laughing our asses off when the dog ran over Tyler sending him to the floor.

"Holy hell, Luke when you said a puppy...that's not a puppy that's a giant thing."

"He's literally three months old, I might've left some details out but look at him he's so cute" Luke stares at the huge dog with pure adoration.

God, he's such a baby.

After the whole "puppy" incident we laughed it off and settled on a movie and pizza.

"Nooo, how could he die" Luke yelled out tears brimming his eyes.

We settled on the movie 5 feet apart, well my pick because I know it would be funny to see the boys cry. (except Spike he's a robot)

Luke and Tyler were sprawled on the floor wrapped in blankets, while Spike and I were on the fluffy couch.

Spike's arm was around me and I had my head on his chest like old times. Nate never cared, he was just relieved I wasn't sleeping around or hanging with the wrong crowd.

Fun fact my first kiss was Spike. We were out back in their pool night swimming and things got pretty heated.

Flashback 3 years ago: "The water is so nice come onnnn" I protest

"Ugh fine but if I get yelled at because you're sick the next day you're getting it Dav," Spike warns me.

I roll my eyes at that, It's summer how could I get sick. He's so overprotective, just like Nate I wish they would loosen up a bit.

Spike takes his shirt off and my breath cuts short. Holy moly he's ripped. Yes, he's been shirtless countless amount of times but I never got used to it.

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