"Yeah Yeah whatever, You got 30 seconds left so come on." He said, and I stood up to check myself out in the mirror. Everything seemed good, except for a small portion of my edges, which I quickly fixed by grabbing some edge control.

"Ten Seconds! The Lights are about to go out!"

Five.. Four... Three.. Two... One...

The moment the lights went out, the crowd erupted in joy as they realized the show was about to begin, and I made my way to the stage.

"You ready?" Via the earpiece, Raylan spoke. I nodded as I cast a glance his way.

As the screens began to light up and show me standing in front of my microphone, everyone started screaming louder, which made me grin since I could tell how excited everyone was to see me.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me? I'm so high in here, been smokin on this weed." The moment I began singing into the microphone, the audience joined in.

Told 'em, "Go on, take a shot on three"
Told 'em, "Drinks is on me"
Yeah, the drinks are on me
I said now go and take a shot on me
Only drug a bitch is on is the tree
But I lasted ten rounds like a freak
Like a G

I pointed the microphone to the crowd letting them sing "Get ready."

"Oh Yes I'm ready." In the microphone, I sang. I continued to sing, and the audience was incredible. This actually makes me want to finish my album quickly so I can go on tour.

"Hey Y'all! I'm Semaijah Summers. Thank you Guys so much for having me. I love you all! Now it's time to bring out the real star of the show, Toosii."

Everybody started screaming louder and louder as Toosii ran out. He ran towards me and gave me a side hug "Appreciate you sis. Let's give another round of applause for Semaijah!"

Everyone started cheering and screaming as I waved them off and went to the back, where Raylan was waiting. I went over to him and we did the handshake we had made when we were 13 together with Ahmahdi.

"You did good out there, Im proud of you."

"Thank youuuu. I'm so tired." I started fanning myself and walked to the chair sitting down.

"Special delivery for you from..." The security guard picked up the card "Ja Morant."

"Oh my Gosh, These are so pretty." I grabbed the flowers from him "And they smell good too." I brought the flowers up to my nose and started smelling them "Oh my Gosh. Where's my phone?"

"Here, You want me to take a picture?"

"Yes take a picture." I told him and he nodded and I started posing with the flowers, When he was done I grabbed my phone from him and looked at all the pictures and they were all pretty but there was one I liked the most.

I went to my Instagram and swiped left to post the picture on my story.

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𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐡𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 1s

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