29 | Bed

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Komaeda was happy. The first season of his show had been released and it got popular quickly. Of course, some people hated it, but he didn't care. Because today the two other lead actors and him were doing a photoshoot. He didn't know a lot about acting, but he was a professional model, so he knew exactly how to pose and act.

"So, how do we do this?" Gogatsu asked. Nishikawa entered the room.

"Sorry for being late!"

"It's okay!" Tanizaki smiled. "Please, change your clothes and then come back to this room,"

The three men went to change and then got told how to pose once they were back.

"Okay, each of you please grab one of Komaeda-san's legs and then pick him up,"

They did as they were told, but looked very tense.

"Uhm, please relax your bodies a bit. Or at least your faces. And Komaeda, try to look a bit confident and smile, okay?"

That was rare. Usually, when he did photoshoots that were supposed to be romantic, he had to look shy and embarassed, but he was happy about this change. He didn't like how Kamukura and his relationship was portrayed simply because people thought it was cute that way.

Once that picture had been taken, they took a different one where one of the guys kissed his hand and the other his cheek.

Once the photoshoot was done, he needed to hurry to an interview. He made it just in time. After that was over, he left the building and saw Hinata waiting for him.

"Heeey!" He said as he walked towards the brunet.

"Oh, you're done. Hey,"

Komaeda smiled and leaned forward a bit. Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"What's up?"

"You're so coooool,"

His driver arrived and brought them home.

"See you," Hinata said as Komaeda left the car.

"Can't you come with me? Pleeaaase?"

"Are you sure your parents will be fine with that?"

He nodded. "Yes!"

Hinata got out and they went into Komaeda's room. The pale man got into his bed.

"Don't you need to change your clothes?"

"You do it. I'm so tired... working is hard,"

Hinata sighed and took off Komaeda's shoes. "Are you sure I should change your shirt and pants too? Isn't that weird?"

"You're my boyfriend, it's fine,"

Hinata turned red and began to unbutton his shirt. When he was done, he put it on the floor.

"And what about your, uh, binder?"

Komaeda sleepily opened his eyes again. "Close your eyes,"

Hinata closed them. A few seconds later, Komaeda spoke up. "Please give me that shirt over there." He pointed at a shirt that was laying on his chair. Hinata handed it to him and Komaeda put it on.

"You can look again,"

Hinata then took off Komaeda's pants and put them away too. "You can sleep now,"

"Lay down with meee..."

Hinata sat down. "I'm not that tired though,"

"Please..." Komaeda yawned.

Hinata laid down behind him and hugged the pale man.

♡ Model | Kamukoma/Hinakoma | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now