6 | Basketball

498 19 44

"Good morning, Komaeda-kun!" One of the boys said, handing him a coffee.

"Uhm, good morning," He hesitantly replied.

"Here, let me carry your bag." Another one offered, taking it away from him.

"Come on, let us take you to your classroom," A different guy told him.

"But I was going to-"

"Let's go. We're gonna prove to you we'd makes better dates than Hinata-kun,"

"I-I'm not going to dump him just because-"

"Oh, just you wait," A boy promised.

Later that day, one of them walked up to Komaeda. "Hey, do you wanna watch one of my games later today?"

Komaeda tilted his head. "What game do you even play?"

"Basketball. Come on, it'll be fun. If you want, you can go eat with me and my team after we win,"

He thought about it for a second. "Why not? But I don't know a lot about sports, so I'll have no idea if you win,"

"Oh, I will, don't worry,"

A few hours after school, the game began. Komaeda had no idea which team the boy was in and how many points they had so far. Suddenly, one of the players shouted.

"Komaeda-kun, this one's for you!" Then he scored a goal. Komaeda nervously smiled a gave him a thumbs up. He did feel flattered though, that someone would score a goal for him.

The boy, Tachihara, did end up winning. After the game, Komaeda walked up to him to congratulate him.

"How about I get a kiss as a reward?" He asked, smirking.

Komaeda shook his head. "I have a boyfriend,"

"Haha, I know, I was just kidding." Tachihara laughed. "Anyway, my boys agreed you could come with us to eat. I'm gonna get changed real quick. Wait here. Or... come with me if you want-"

"Just go." Komaeda crossed his arms.

A few minutes later, Tachihara came back and took Komaeda to a small restaurant. There was a long table filled with sweaty boys from basketball. Komaeda sat down next to Tachihara. Soon enough, a waiter walked up to them.

"Won another game, eh? Congrats! I'm guessing you all want the usual?" They all said yes. "Oh? Looks like we have a new face here. Did you join the team recently?"

"No, he's here with me," Tachihara told the waiter. A few guys whistled and laughed.

"I see. Then, what will you have?"

Komaeda ordered and the waiter brought them their food a few minutes later. The pale boy was eating with his chopsticks until one boy began to laugh.

"The hell's up your ass? Come on, this is how you're supposed to eat!" He grabbed Komaeda's food and put it in his mouth.

"Mm!" Komaeda yelped but chewed on it.

"You gotta loosen up a bit. I mean, I know since you're a model you gotta look good and all, but you know... have some fun,"

"I'm having fun, I just don't want my fingers to get all dirty,"

"By the way, I usually don't care about models, but since you go to my school and all, I am a bit invested. Is it exhausting to be a model?"

"I mean, I imagine it's easier than being a builder or mechanic or something, but when you also have school, it can get a bit tiring,"

"And are the people you work with annoying?" He asked.

"Well, the photographer is pretty nice and I like my manager too. Some people can be quite rude though. One time I met an actor at a late-night show and he was very rude. He kept telling me not to talk because models are only there to look good,"

"Haha, I'd never say that to you. I looove hearing you talk," Tachihara said dreamily, putting his head on his hand. The others giggled.

"And what's your boyfriend like?"

"He's awesome! He's really sweet and caring, even if he doesn't seem like it." Komaeda smiled.

"And why'd they suddenly begin taking those weird kinds pics of you?"

Komaeda's cheeks heated up. "My manager said it's because I'm an adult now,"

"Hah, I certainly don't mind it," One of them said. "I wonder what they'll make you wear for Halloween. Maybe one of those nurse costumes. You do look kinda girly,"

Komaeda's face turned even more red. "I hope not... those costumes are embarrassing,"

"Really? I like them,"

"Probably not on yourself though," Komaeda replied.

"Yeah, I prefer them on girls,"

The guys at the table laughed.

♡ Model | Kamukoma/Hinakoma | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now