Chapter 10 Trading of extinction

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Chapter10 Trading
of extinction

After lunch and getting my week Beating. Me and dad walk to the center of town for a meeting with all the villagers about the trading problems with the people that are just like me. Are some how going missing and less and less trading, Which is a big problem not to our village but other villages as well.

The Lord of the village, which is the leader. Stands on some hey blocks with a lot of village talking before he starts talk.

"Quiet everyone let start this real quick like cause there is a pie that my wife make as my name on it."

The village chuckles. I am a pie lover myself so I chuckle as well.

"So you noticed the shortest of the supplies in the trade and why we are not see the creative people are disappearing. We need a solution of how to solve it. So there is a rumor that Steve stonecutter mite be our last of the creature people." I look at him hope that rumor is not true, and little known it's fact.

The Lord cleared his throat. "They are true all of the Steve Stonecutter's kind is wiped and gone." 

The village gasp and start chattering. I felt sick to my stomach. I can't believe I am the last of my own kind. This can't be true how can the most intelligent race just turn out to disappear and die off. I found it odd or I just can't believe it.

Then a flash of my memory of the burning village. Which gave me a huge headache that a thousand's explosions going off in the same time. I held my head and my knees touch the earth and I just whip in pain of my head. Whisper saying 'it all your fault' I beg for the whispers and the pain to stop. Then everything went dark.

I hate the dark..

I slowly open my eyes to the sense of familiar of my bedroom. Could it be my imagination. Am I dead, I questioned. The only thing that grateful is the headache is gone.

The door open, which I turn and saw it was my mother. She carrying a wooden bowl  with warm steam coming out of it.

She smiled at me and walk towards me.
"We'll look who's awake". She said as if it was a song. 

"What happened mom". I asked, I swear I was with dad at the village meeting.

She set the bowl on my nightstand as she sat on my bed next to me. "You did not drink enough water son, and it was a very hot today day". Then you grabs a towel out of the bowl and squeeze the extra water in the bowl, then she neatly  place it on my head. Which felt really good on my head.

"Well I guess I am going to pack you some extra water in your bag next time. But aside from that, the lord wanted to give you this before you passed out". She took out a green covered book and place it on my lap. "Well since you know, you are the last of your own kind, the lord want you to practice using this book". Which I found very interesting". I sat up and open the book showing that it's a 'guide book of craft and fight'.
"I read though it and it seems like a lot, like how to craft your own shovel". My mom giggled as she pointed the page number that said tools.

I smiled at my mother. "So cool and will this gave me some purpose of what I'm supposed to do".

"I am not sure son but it's a start". She put a hand on my shoulder gently then kissed my forehead. "But one question I want to ask you son".

"Sure mom". She look puzzled even though she still as a smile on here face.

"Is this what you want, I mean do you wish to?"

I looked at here and the looked at the book to a word that cot my eye, 'the adventure is yours to create, explore, and survive'. I smiled knowing that this is what I want.
"Yes this is what I want". She smiled at me and gives me a hug which I hugged her back.

"Then I will support you all the way". As she whispers in my ear.

"Thanks mom".
We parted the hug, then she takes the book and puts it on my night stand as she takes the wooden bowl and the towel off my head. "Ok my little explore let's get some sleep". Then she plants a kiss on my head and stand up and leaves the room.

Right after she shut the door I lay down. Which is useless cause, I can't wait to get started with my adventure with my new purpose and make my kind proud.


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