Chapter 1: first adventure

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Chapter 1: first adventure.

There was a race of humans the roam the land.
They were very intelligent and creative people. They were the most dominant species. They know how to craft, fight, hunt, adventure, create and build. They were thousands upon thousands of them all over the world. They just are all over from the highest mountains and cliffs, to the deep dark underground caves.
From the river to the ocean sea. They were everywhere. Every mile they were there. Villages, towns, and or just a house. the only thing that is hiding them is trees and nature, but they always have a way to just say they were there.

Humans have done many things in their time. They discover other realms, other than the overworld. They have never seen so much of this world. it was hot, lava oceans are far as the eye can see.

there was no harm to anyone just peace. even with the other kind of villagers are at peace. The world was a beautiful place to live, build, see, love, and grow.  That is where our tale starts.

Deep in the dark oak forest not far from the village. The trees just sway on either side. Tall, red and white spotted, mushrooms.

It's a beautiful mid-morning.
Two young kids walking in the forest.

Alex was a little hesitant about it. They never went outside there village before. And warned not to.

"Steve I don't know if this is a good idea maybe we should turn back". Said Alex while tugging her light green dress, with a white bow around her neck that's not to tight just laying on the torso of the dress, with short sleeves. it was plain and just goes right to her knees.

Steve turns around at just looks at Alex in surprises. Her green eye shown little fear and her orange hair with pigtails just sways in through the light breeze.

" no way this is an adventure, and you said you want to go on one right." Said Steve.

Steve had brown messy hair, and blueish indigo eyes. He wear a light blue overalls and blue shorts, with short sleeves.

"Don't you think I don't know that's". Alex screamed at him.
"It's just we're we're warned not to leave the village. Also forbidden to go in the woodland mansion."
As she Said in a shy tone.

"So! I don't get it we're all the adults get to go and adventure, build, get to go in the nether, or cool mineshaft, I never even seen a cave or any other cool stuff. Dad never even let me touch his crafting table." Steve puts his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Don't you want to go and see it all."

Alex look at him in the eyes and thinks. "I know, but we're only kids".

"So, I am only 10 in a half. Who said the was an age limit." Steve smiled.

" your 9 years old Steve." Alex smirk.

Steve pushed Alex lightly.
"Yea I knew". And your only 8".
He folded his arms.

"I am almost 9 you block head. Anyways I see your point. if anyone it going to let us. It's now or never."
Alex puts out her hand out for Steve. While smiled.
Steve smiles and takes her hand. "It's us against the world". Said Steve.
They both continue on in the forest leaving the world they know behind.

After awhile

Alex was leading in front and inch ahead of Steve. Then Steve felt like someone is following them.

"Hey Alex?"
They both stopped and look at each other.
"Ya what up". Said Alex.
"Do you feel like someone is following us."
Alex smile faded.
"You feel it to."
They both looked at the path behind them and nothing was there. They looked around to see if there's anything or someone out there.

They hear something running and it's getting close. Steve pulled out his wooden sword and get in front of Alex. While Alex pulls out her bow and aims at what the noise is coming from.
After awhile it stopped. The two kids were ready for anything to pop out.

Then a black shadow raised behind them. And yelled out boo.

Alex fired at the tree near by. Both Steve and Alex screamed and look at who it was.

Steve got tick off when he found out of who it was. It was Brian, Steve's twin bother.
He look a lot like Steve but Brian has dark blue eyes.
Steve tackle Brian in the ground while Brian laughed. The two rustle on the ground for a bit, then Alex joined in. Three kids just playing in the grass.

After a minute

They all stand up and dust them selfs off.

"Brian what are you doing here your suppose to be back at the village".
Steve complain at his twin brother.

"Well when I saw you and Alex leave. I though to join the fun".
Said Brian.

"Oh well you better not tell mom where we are". Said Steve.

"Oh no, no, I don't want deal with moms she's scary when she's mad". Said Brian while shaking his head.

"Good you can come with us longs you don't tell". Said Alex.

"I won't". As Brian roll his eyes. "Can we just go already!".

Steve and Alex smiled and shake there heads.

So the three kids walk deep in dark wood forest.

"Look guys!" said Alex pointing at the  woodland mansion.
Steve and Brian looked and see it and where full of excitement for adventure.
"Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Said Steve.
All the kids run in.

As for a minute or so, following the red carpet to each rooms full of weird but very cool item and stuff. Then they found a room of 3 beds that are made with sheep wool, making it look like a bed.

Steve and Alex ran and throw themself on one of them beds.

They giggled while Brian rolls his eye.

"You guys are ridicules you know that". As he folded his arms.

Steve jumped off and grabbed Brian hand and throw home him one one of the bed next to where Alex is.
Brian sits up and was annoyed of what Steve had done while he laugh.

"Hey not cool Steve!".

Steve jump on and hug Brain tightly.
"Aww do be made dear brother of mine."

"I hate you". Said Brian as he pouted

"Love you to". Said Steve has he smiled while still hugging his grumpy twin.

Alex giggled as she watch the brothers.
Steve stoped and hears a sound coming from the halls.
"Hey do you guys hear that". As Steve listen. then gets hit with a pillow by Brian.

"Your just being paranoid". He jumps off the bed. "Now I think we should got home be night fall.".

Alex's jumps off the bed too. "I kind of agree." Alex hears the voice as well as Steve. "Hello".

"You hear it too". Said Steve, jumps off the bed to Alex to know he not the only one that hears it. "It's coming from the hall way". Steve runs into the hallway.

"STEVE WAIT" scram Alex. Then Brian and Alex ran after him.

"Chapter 2 the curse" coming soon

MineTales (Minecraft story/Minecraft lore)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora