Chapter: 5 The Raid

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Chapter: 5 The Raid

Steve POV...

I was just 10 in a half years old when this happen.

The village was burning the bell at the well was ring that can be heard for miles. Ugly piggish creepy and villagers that have a dark blueish skin with violent of killing everyone in the village I grow up with is being killed.

Me, my brother and Alex is hiding in the underground tunnel with the other children and moms. Hearing what happing above us.

My mom came to me and my brother and pulled us close to her. Which bring me comfort. That everything going to be ok.

I looked around a see Alex with her mom. Her mom strokes Alex hair and sings quietly to her in a unknown language.

I look at my brother that seems to be tear stream down his face. I put my hand and whipped it away. Brian looks at me. He grab my hand. "Thank you brother". I nodded and smiled.

"It's leads over here!". Someone said above. Everyone want quite and stared at the ceiling. My mom got up and walks to the latter take one out and replace it with dirt. That way if they found the door and open it, it will not lead to us. Then she went back to us and sat where she was before.

"We are going to be ok boys don't worry". Said mom.

Everyone is claiming down known that we're safe. Then the same voice above came again. "I know they are here the compose is stronger here".

"Your out of your mind no one is here". Said another guy.

"Just watch". He put something down which triggered the trap door. I was frozen watching everything happening. I cling on to my mom and so did Brian. Praying to Notch that they won't find us.

It was quite. Then the dirt block broke and two weird pillagers jumped down an look around the room. Everyone stands up fear going going through everyone. The scariest part of my life.

One of them spoke. " we will do you people no arm we are just here for some business. We only want to see if among you are gift with immortality curse. So speak now and no arm will be upon you.". There was a minute of silence. "No one ok then I guess we will have to find you.". He grabs a gold like totem like thing out of his bag.

He starts to walk into the crowd letting the totem lead him. I was not want to be found.

He walks closer to us. My clanging us close to her. She seems to be ready but what for. He draw in front of us and took a good look at us. The totem glow like a torchlight.

"Well, well if it isn't the great far lander her self.". He looked down at me a Brian. "And got busy! wow, take a look at this they seem like strong boys you got there".

"If you touch a finger on my boy or anyone in here you will kiss living good bye". My mom barked. I know she was scary but when she is in mom protective mode stay back. I smiled known I'm safe with her.

"Oh big word my honorable chief. You for got your place". He said with a smirk. She spit at his shoes. The guys face change fast. He turned to the exit. To another guy standing there he nodded. An Signal more guys down and they ran to her and grab mom away from us. We ran to her but got cot but two other guys holding us back. The main guy smiled once more.

Then turn and puts the totem out and flowing it to 5 other kids. Lastly my best friend Alex. Tears in Her eyes as she beg not to be taken way, same as everyone else. They take us though the exit for more pillagers took us out each and everyone. Out of the hole.

I see the whole village I grow up and to love is all destroyed. I struggle to get out of this guys grasps. The guy yelled at me. I ignored him. He pulled me closer to himself for hope to have a better hold of me. For what I learn that is my advantage to be free. I bend my feet to his chest and pushed free from him.

I landed on the ground and quickly got up to run away. I tripped on the ground. That same guy is going to grab me again, I fling dirt at his face to hope to blind him temporarily. I got up again and ran as fast as I could.

I hid from them and try to find my mother, Brian, or Alex. Although the smell of smoke and ash does not help at all. Then I saw Alex running away from one of guys again. I ran yo Alex to help while I grab dirt to do the same trick again.
I stop this guy at his track and throw it at his face and ran away to see if I can ketchup with Alex.

I hid under the shed to to catch my breath. This smoke choking me make it hard to run and see. I felt so dizzy. I saw a square black thing with purple swirls. A pig like creatures came out of it. I try to move but all the sudden I building clasps I was not fast enough to move away. So it landed on top of me.
I blackout..

Coming up next
Chapter: 6 who are you

(Author) well sorry it took so long collage can really take time out of ya. Anyways I hope you like the chapter and ready for the next one.

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