Chapter 7

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It took more than three hours for the class to finish with their duty. No matter if First was sweeping the floor with a broom, or anything, Khan would applaud.

"P'First is so cool even sweeping the floor!"

"P'First's mopping action is too handsome!"

"P'First frowns so charmingly!"

First finally couldn't bear it anymore, he picked up the broom in his hand and turned to face Khan. He smashed it and saw him dodging, First took off his school uniform jacket and stepped forward and grabbed Khan's face: "Don't you think I'm attractive? Come, come out and I'll show you how charming I am."

Khaotung sat quietly in the corner, listening to the bursts of howling coming from outside the door, bowed his head and turned over the two pages of the English book in his hand and whispered, "Simping over a foolish won't end well."

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when they finally cleaned up the classroom. First looked at Khaotung who was limping behind him, stopped and rubbed his eyebrows impatiently. Khaotung was completely invisible, always maintaining grace, walking forward step by step, stopping from time to time to take a breath.

"Look, can't you take a cab?" First looked at  Khaotung who finally moved to him. The tip of his nose was already covered in thin sweat.

"No money" Khaotung didn't look at First's disdainful face, and kept walking forward with his head lowered.

First strode up in front of him, stretched out his hand and take off the schoolbag from Khaotung back, and scolded while hanging it around his own neck: "Fuck, your schoolbag is too damn heavy, are you carrying something illegal."

First after saying that, squatted on the ground, smacking his lips, and said in a muffled voice, "You're really troublesome, come up quickly."

Khaotung stood behind him, looking at First's broad shoulders like a warm comfy pillow, and thought about lying on his thin back.

With a little force, First carried the boy who was not too heavy on his back. Although he looked unhappy, his steps were steady and firm. He tried to ignore the scrutinizing eyes of the people around him, but the eyes were on his back, which made First's ears red. The more he thought about this scene, the weirder it became. The frowning boy scolded himself with an unhappy expression, but the guy on his back didn't care. On the uphill road, First was obviously a little out of strength, stopping from time to time to gasp for breath, Khaotung, who was on his back, patted him on the shoulder, and called out without enthusiasm: "Go on."

First turned his head sharply, his beautiful eyebrows were drawn into a ball, and his black eyes could not wait to spit fire: "You tell me again?"

"Go on."

Khaotung could clearly hear First grinding his back molars, the arms that were holding his knees tightened, and he was about to drop him directly to the ground. First blinked hard, and continued to climb the slope angrily, but scolded in his mouth: "I have accumulated virtues, God, you can see clearly, I can live to 99 no matter what my temperament is."

After a long while no one spoke, First walked forward with his head sullen, the broken hair on his forehead was wet into strands. From the corner of Khaotung's vision, he could just see First's handsome profile face, long eyelashes, and bloodless lips that were a little dry. First finally lost his strength when he reached the crossroads, and he stopped just about to speak.

There was a cold touch on his forehead, and he turned his head suspiciously, just to meet Khaotung's light brown pupils, which reflected his somewhat tired face.

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